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Writer's pictureHelena Williams

EBR Community Check-ins (Weeks 21-28)

Updated: Oct 26, 2020

Since the outbreak of COVID-19 in EBR, The Walls Project has been hosting weekly video calls with leaders of nonprofits, foundations, city government, and local businesses from across the parish. The intention of these weekly community check-ins is to share information and resources to help the Baton Rouge community respond and recover from the pandemic. Weekly topics range from access to basic needs such as food, medical care, and safety to thought-leaders' insights on equitable opportunities for youth enrichment, nonprofit financial solvency, surge in unemployment, and the disproportionate impact on impoverished neighborhoods in regards to accessing fresh food.


EBR Community Check-In Week #28 “Workforce Inequity & Income Instability"

Meeting Notes Prepared by Helena Williams

Ken York, Assistant Director of Louisiana Rehabilitation Services Specifically working with citizens with disabilities, Director Melissa Bayham

  • Disability population

  • Marginalized group

  • LA state has population 15% experience some kind of disability

    • Working age population (21-64) 35% are employed

    • 70% who want to work but are not employed

  • Greatest barrier to overcome is attitude

    • Dispelling the myths of disabilities

  • Vocational rehabilitation - flagship program

    • Assist ppl w/ disabilities to move them toward successful employment

    • Eligibility program, not entitlement program

      • Individual has a disability that creates a substation impediment to employment

      • Expectation that it is required for them to have vocational disabilities

    • Disabilities are across the board (blind, deaf, learning)

    • Counselors connect to the services

      • Tying to an employment outcome/goal

    • Vocational education is a comprehensive process

      • Timeline - developing plan - IPE Individualized plan of employment

      • Who is going to pay for it

      • Job development

      • 90 days is a success

      • Tuition college/education programming

  • Rehab tech, home mods, vehicle mods

  • Application does not happen quickly

    • Take an application has 60 days to process the disability

    • Dealing w/ 1-on-1 to decide what services to reach that goal of employment

  • Average person spends 3 years on the process


  • What to do about identifying individuals w/ disabilities

    • (A) High unemployment rates due to COVID population served negatively impacted exponentially

      • Always looking to serve persons - please refer them to LRS

      • Currently hiring more counselors to increase capacity

      • Flyer w/ regional offices across the state

  • Getting more employers open to accepting disabled individuals w/ modifications in place

    • Positions to target this population - reach out to LRS

    • People are “job-ready” across the state

    • Attorneys, doctors, machinist, plumbers, across the board

  • Personal/positive interactions with people  who are different

  • State of LA - JBE - Est. State as model employer taskforce

  • HR directors and managers across the state meet periodically to develop strategies and develop resources to increase number of people employed across the various state organizations

  • Disabled people employed in state on rise Elizabeth Perry (LSU Health/OLOL)

  • Working w/ an individual w/ a disability and is ready to get back into the workforce

    • Being honest w/ her disability, but wants to move forward w/ getting back into the workforce

  • Application available via paper

  • Application - is more of an interview (virtually currently) w/ counselor

  • Counselor begins assessment

    • To find out more about how to best start the application w/ director

  • Just call up and say I want to apply

  • Customized employment - link them to jobs w/ their unique needs to customize employment to align w/ that person

  • Education needed to help people understand their own disability

  • Farmers Project (accidents caused disability) counseling process

  • Community Rehab Programs - Counseling to educate - most of the work that their counselors do is around the vocational rehab process

  • Application, information gathering

  • Therapy - Community partners paid to provide services to Girard Melancon (BRCC) - 

  • Program working with young adults on the autism spectrum

  • Successfully working with Ken’s org

  • Changes w/ the financial eligibility requirement

    • dependent on a person meeting financial criteria

    • changed need to increase 500% of poverty level

  • How to better provide wrap-around services

  • Knowledge - make sure staff are aware of what services and opportunities available in the different community agencies

  • Caseloads can exceed 130-40 people so they need to be privy of services as up-to-date as possible Pat LeDuff (CADAV)

  • Dyslexic teens who never got addressed

  • Making a one-stop-shop available Judith Rhodes (LSU)

  • List of program in college to help w/ individuals w/ disabilities

  • My possibilities - Job placement to real estate, to retrofit businesses retailers to allow for work

  • Having a diagnosis is not automatic eligibility to the program - must affect the access to job security

  • Windmills - attitude training developed for employers to dispels the hesitancies towards disabilities Janel Washington (Futures Fund)

  • Boot Camp info + Flyer/ad Rev. Anderson - Re-entry

  • Serving formally incarcerated population - served for years by LRS

  • Collaborative relationships w/ community partners in diff regions who are working with providing services w/ persons incarcerated but w/in 6 mo of being released

  • Wait to start programming w/ a certain release date inline

  • Years a robust effort w/ LWC taskforce to work w/ corrections (Rhett Covington)

  • Ken to get more info


08:39:37 From Elizabeth Perry : I need connections with Mr York. I just had a patient yesterday with a disability that is looking to get back in to the workforce. I have so many patients that are needing to be connected with these resources. I am so excited about this opportunity! 

08:40:56 From Casey Phillips : Elizabeth you are up first for questions for Ken. Discussion point - in EBR the continuum from K-12 education to higher ed and/or workforce as well as wrap around services

08:48:41 From Tyra Banks : Can we have his contact info?

08:49:23 From Casey Phillips : Ken York, Assistant Director

Louisiana Rehabilitation Services 

08:49:43 From Manny Patole - CCBR : Great Talk Mr. York, thank you for your work! Q: Related to your work, we are as a group are looking to improve the provision of wrap around services to the local community. How can we better provide wrap around services to those with disabilities in addition to employment?

08:50:50 From Casey Phillips : Here is a great organization out of Dallas doing monumental work, My Possibilities (

08:53:58 From Pat LeDuff : what about people with dyslexia and anything for teen youth that never got assistance

09:06:34 From Gwen Hamilton : Thank you Mr. York!  I have several family and friends who were assisted by LRS and have returned and remained in the workforce.  One in particular had a brain injury resulting from a car accident, graduated high school with a rehab specialist, graduated college with a rehab specialist and has been gainfully employed over 15 years in spite of being wheel chair bound and a speech impediment.

09:06:41 From Manny Patole - CCBR : I yield my question for more conversation :-)

09:08:27 From Judith Rhodes : There are at least six inclusive post secondary programs at Louisiana colleges for students with intellectual and developmental disabilities. This link inlcudes a list. A shout out to my sister, Dr. Mary Breaud, who runs Bridge to Independence at Nicholls. LSU needs a program…

09:08:46 From Casey Phillips : Thank You Judith!

09:09:39 From Gwen Hamilton : Thinking about you and your family as we are having this discussion!  Hope all is well

09:11:02 From Pat LeDuff : Amen!  I’m not sure, I don’t think so, call this number call that number is never an option

09:12:04 From Pat LeDuff : know your resources or be willing to dig for the client as a one stop shop

09:16:50 From Shalonda Simoneaux : Thanks Mr. York great information to share with K-12 schools

09:17:55 From Rev. Alexis Anderson : Are persons involved with the justice system able to utilize your services?

09:25:08 From Manny Patole - CCBR : Does someone have a quick list of the new early voting locations? I recall the sites were moved but not sure if that is true.

09:26:20 From Manny Patole - CCBR :

09:27:52 From janel : E: / Office: 225-434-0515 Ext. 2 / Cell: 225-907-7413

09:31:19 From Leslie Clay : This has been great.  I have to jump off.  Thank you so much for this presentation today Mr. York.

09:32:26 From Sarah Walsh : Such a great idea!

09:32:39 From Tristi Charpentier : Don't forget to register your nonprofit for!

09:33:42 From KYork : Thank you guys for the opportunity and for your interest!

09:40:45 From Pat LeDuff : old city national bank on Scenic hwy - come on 4-H / scenic at Hardin


EBR Community Check-In Week #27 “Food Insecurity Coalition - EBR Update" Meeting Notes Prepared by Zoe Robison

Featured speakers Connor DeLoach (Topbox Foods) and Katie Pritchett (Capital Area United Way). Topbox is an innovative fresh produce distribution model brought to the Capital Region via Geaux Get Healthy and the United Way will provide updates from the Food Insecurity Coalition (EBR) meetings.  Connor DeLoach (Topbox Foods

  • Topbox is a nonprofit that focuses on creating equity around food

  • Affordability and accessibility to produce, lean meats, and fish around a supply chain intervention method

  • Work directly with large distributors and farmers to cut out middle man cost that drives up groceries

  • Community driven model that utilizes areas in the community where people congregate (churches, community centers, etc.) as distribution locations

  • Accept any form of payment (including SNAP)

  • Shifted fully to home delivery model due to COVID-19 with no additional delivery charge

    • Great for reaching seniors, the disabled, or anyone unable to make it out to distribution sites

  • In order to create sustainable change emphasis must be made on localizing food system

  • Big distributors had to shut down because of COVID - shelves were empty in grocery stores. But when you localise and don’t rely on the top down approach you can bridge the gap between people growing food and those who need it the most

  • Tricky question because it’s expensive to run a farm

    • Want to value those farmers and make sure they are sustained themselves but the community needs food at an affordable rate

  • In BR lots of exciting conversations with many presents in this coalition about ways we can create essentially local markets within the community that don’t have access to grocery stores

Katie Pritchett (Capital Area United Way)

  • Facilitator of the Food Insecurity Coalition

  • FIC Survey

  • The Coalition was brought together 3 months ago as a spin-off of this group to address specific needs around food insecurity in EBR Parish

  • Diverse group of service providers and organizations talking about how to increase food access to individuals in the community that are in need

  • What does this look like short term and long term and how does it impact the community?

Three subgroups:

  • Philanthropy - local, state, and national resources that could support increased food access in the community

  • Distributors, Educators, and Growers - people that have the product; create partnerships and better leverage what we have to get it to the community

  • Data Evaluation and Policy Implication - need for some sort of baseline for what food security is in EBRP, what pockets of zip codes, what are the barriers to people accessing food, etc. 

A guiding document is in progress addressing “here’s what the need is, and here’s what we need from local government, from philanthropist, etc to get people the food when they need” Why are people having trouble accessing food - do we need to increase SNAP? Are there issues with applying for SNAP? Are there LDH restrictions with distribution? 

  • Continue to measure how successful we are moving forward

  • Looking for more people to be at the table - people with data analysis background, food pantry and service providers, individuals engaged with faith-based organizations that have community impact

  • What are best practices and models that work through the state/country? How do we replicate that here and tailor it to EBR to change the way people access food in the community?

    • Next meeting will be October 5th at 2:00 PM! Food insecurity is directly tied to the other nine drivers of poverty So much opportunity for wraparound services - there are services already in place and funding there that could be used more efficiently! Comments Concerning college students:

  • Many can’t afford food after books, fees, tuition, etc. College students are working poor in a sense. 

    • SOLUTION: Free fridges/food pantries where people donate meals 

    • CHALLENGE: Issue of maintenance, verifying food quality, etc. Equity of quality of food distributed must be considered. 

    • SOLUTION: Some schools allow students with on-campus jobs to apply for SNAP benefits with proof of pay stubs

    • CHALLENGE: Many college students have a stigma about applying for SNAP. Demystifying the program could mean more students would apply.

Emily Chatelain (Three O’Clock Project)

  • When summer ends meals are delivered to after school programs that have kids congregating (community tutoring, YMCA, etc.) 

  • However, a lot of those programs are virtual right now because of the pandemic 

  • A home delivery meal program is preferred because of the challenge present for kids and parents to drive and pick up a meal (EBR had a low turnout in the early days)...larger conversation about transportation and access

  • Bottom line: everyone deserves access to healthy, good, nutritious food

    • We only feed kids 18 and under, can’t feed the whole family

    • Top Box would be a great bridge!

Connor DeLoach (Topbox for Louisiana)

  • Lots of pressing needs right now with food insecurity but Top Box is trying to put long term programs in place to maintain sustainability 

  • For instance, providing additional information on how to cook healthy foods, understanding what you put in your body and why it’s important paired with the ability to obtain those resources 

  • Short term problem - Farmers to Families box program was created in which the USDA gave contracts to three different companies

    • Produce Alliance is one 

    • The three companies are having a very hard time getting boxes out

    • Many boxes have no destination and no way of getting out to those in need

    • Dire need for groups looking to get boxes out

Getting info out on the census? Contact tracing? (see Rev Anderson) Look at full continuum - beyond schools, look at veterans, seniors, the disabled, etc Questions Q: Is there anything the coalition members can do to support the Children's Nutrition Program? A: The program is having some difficulty getting parents to pick up meals - transportation can definitely be an issue. Meals are served at lunch and schools are open after hours for pick up. Children will be back at school 5 days a week as of Oct 19 but there are still 10-12,000 students at home doing virtual learning. EBR is trying to encourage them to come pick up boxed meals every Wednesday. Churches, community groups, etc. can encourage parents to come to schools for pickup. Q: Do we need x number of people to deliver, box up, go to churches to get say 50 volunteers to help? What is the actual need operationally? If you had, say, 10,000 meals that needed to go out could bike couriers or bus drivers be paid to transport meals? A: There are lots of concerns about LDH regulations. The current system relies on a Point of Service - a bar code or the child’s name required. Food can’t be taken out of school. Even if you swapped bringing the food to people for bringing the people to the food, you have the challenge of people sharing space together on buses during COVID. Perfect example of the need for policy change! Pat LeDuff (CADAV/Scotlandville CDC)

  • Storage is never mentioned but when you have 3 kids and 5 boxes for 5 days and want to do safe food, how is that being stored? That’s a lot of food for one refrigerator

  • The only pragmatic answer - has to be a braided strategy - braided delivery and pickup system. Orchestrating shifts (AM PM 7 days) for delivery and pick up.

Trey Godfrey (100 Black Men)

  • Need law firms involved. Who are the lobbying firms working the USDA and LDH whispering in their ears? We need to influence the policymakers for the greater good. 

Korey Patty (Feeding Louisiana)

  • Work with Southern Strategy Group - lots of ties to this issue

  • There are a number of folks who would have an interest in this work, figuring out the logistics and hard targets and want we want to see move forward

  • Within our data group in the FIC we are trying to define what those specific asks are

  • It is very important that we be very clear as to what the policy barrier is or isn't so that when we engage a lobbyist we actually know what it is that we’re trying to change. Not sure if we’re there yet. Have not had a chance to clearly examine where the policy barrier is. As we develop and go through identification we should all be encouraged that our data and our documentation reflect the real challenges that people are experiencing, particularly when you’re going before the legislature.

** Board chairs of major hospitals and insurance companies would be good to get behind the FIC! Announcement: Grants coming from the Mayor’s office for healthy foods - Geaux Get Healthy released an RFP for grants for the third year. Looking for organizations (nonprofits, companies, individuals) doing innovative things to address food insecurity. Geaux tigers!! Zoom Chat 08:38:04     From Katie Pritchett : 08:38:10     From Connor Deloach : (847) 971-7741 08:38:24     From Manny Patole - CCBR : It is a great group to work with :-) 08:42:56     From Casey Phillips : Leslie, we would love to get LPHI engaged in the Food Insecurity Coalition evaluation and data analysis workgroup 08:43:38     From Katie Pritchett : 08:44:25     From Rev Anderson : Is Southern University AG and LSU AG involved in the Food Insecurity committee?  Is 4-H part of the committee? 08:45:13     From Katie Pritchett : Hi @Rev Anderson. Yes, they are engaged in the coalition. If you have specific contacts from those groups you think is best. I am happy to engage them specifically.  08:46:24     From Leslie Clay : Absolutely.  I am on board.   08:47:24     From Rev Anderson : I believe both LSU and Southern ran food banks for students prior to the pandemic. 08:48:19     From Katie Pritchett : We can check to see if the pantries are still active. I also just learn that most of the students can qualify for SNAP but no one actually tells them to consider applying.  08:48:52     From Nikesha Rodrigue : I believe college students that live off-campus and have on-campus jobs can apply for SNAP. Unless something has changed within the last few years, this was the case. 08:49:26     From Jan Moller (he/him/his) : Reminder that the state has re-opened the P-EBT program to any family with children who were receiving free lunch at school last year (which is everyone in EBRBS). It’s $285 per child and the application period closes Sept. 29. Please help spread the word. You can apply here: 08:50:13     From Chelsea Morgan : Old South Baton Rouge (near LSU/Gardere area) has seen a 27%+ increase in food insecurity since the Pandemic (Urban Footprint). Likely because of several factors including recent unemployment increases.  08:50:59     From Rev Anderson : Is Top Box sharing census information and voting information in the food boxes? 08:51:02     From Manny Patole - CCBR : From my Alma Mater and such sad news. I am sure this is happening everywhere but wonder if there is a similar thing at LSU, SU, or other campuses’ around the area? 08:52:08     From Katie Pritchett : This is the second week in a row this idea of stigma as a barrier comes up. We also talked about this with mobility. This might be a good offline discussion or topic to try to make some movement with.  08:52:49     From Manny Patole - CCBR : Agree that stigma and perception of these public programs to bridge gaps should be another conversation.

08:52:51     From Kendra Hendricks : I agree Katie. I would love to explore that more. 08:54:44     From Manny Patole - CCBR : Nutritious, Delicious, and Culturally appropriate (not my words, words of my partner) 08:54:53     From Rev Anderson : Is there contact tracing being done as it relates to food insecurity?  Who else does a client know that is food insecurity?  In their household?  In their neighborhood? In their family?  Is there limitations regarding keeping food (no electricity/ subpar housing issues, etc.) 08:55:49     From Rev Anderson : Apologies.  I must sign off.  Excellent information as always. 08:56:00     From Casey Phillips : Thank you Rev. Anderson. Will address your points 09:00:24     From David Summers : Gotta run, excited about this conversation. Catch y'all next Friday. 09:03:55     From Manny Patole - CCBR : Is that different than the regulations for Uber eats or other delivery service programs? Can we create a work around? 09:05:07     From Pat LeDuff : it’s WAC. 09:05:12     From CRCL : Is the box itself a restriction or barrier for someone to pick up their food? Do they need a car in order to receive their food? 09:05:23     From Pat LeDuff : let’s push to change it 09:07:05     From Manny Patole - CCBR : Exactly, if there is a policy of bringing food to people, Is there a policy against bring people to the food? I know Rev Anderson was interested in doing the Jitney program for last mile transit but could we do a proof of concept of bringing people from set locations to central food distribution points? OR am I repeating ideas that have already been discussed? 09:10:09     From Manny Patole - CCBR : I know we want people with policy expertise but what about an actual lawyer who can be on pro bono retainer to see the legal issues and how we can bend but not break the law. 09:13:37     From Manny Patole - CCBR : Movie I mentioned if you really want to get upset at Banks and Government: The Laundromat, 09:13:53     From Emily Chatelain : We're including a food safety flier in our box - also trying to do 3 fresh/cold meals and 2 shelf-stable - but we do recognize space and storage issues 09:15:02     From Katie Pritchett : I think that coordination can be the power of the coalition. Even if we just are able to publish a comprehensive collective "schedule" of food distributions so families know what all of their options are for the month and they can utilize what works best for their schedule.  09:15:17     From Manny Patole - CCBR : +++100 @Katie :-) 09:16:21     From Kathleen Sarsfield : Like a “menu” Katie 09:16:23     From Emily Chatelain : BRAF created this over the summer - a website to track where all meal distro was happening 09:16:26     From Emily Chatelain : 09:17:03     From Leslie Clay : Okay Casey --thanks so much I have to run.  I will be in touch early next week.  Have a great weekend everyone. 09:17:17     From Katie Pritchett : @Kathleen that was a great pun if pun intended! 09:17:17     From Manny Patole - CCBR : Linking Transport and Food: 09:17:28     From Casey Phillips : Great idea Jan, Louisiana Restaurants Association 09:18:26     From Manny Patole - CCBR : Could we “contract” those who distribute food to provide service for our purposes at cost? Since they already have the certifications it could be a short-term solution. 09:18:43     From Kathleen Sarsfield : @Katie just had to after your low-hanging fruit one ;) 09:18:54     From Connor Deloach : @Pat LeDuff, I think everything we discuss relies heavily on community participation. The Walls Project/ Baton Roots is doing a great job of bringing community members to the table, and I think is imperative that we base our services and what we offer off of their feedback/ needs. Ie. How many physical meals are you able to store on a daily basis? What produce items do you eat? What do you not eat? 09:19:06     From Manny Patole - CCBR : Another read for ideas: 09:19:45     From Manny Patole - CCBR : 09:19:54     From Edy Addison : This may sound silly, but could the school buses pick up parents and caregivers to come to schools and pick up food for their household and then drive them home? 09:20:29     From Manny Patole - CCBR : Last one I promise: 09:20:31     From Trey Godfrey - 100 Black Men : That’s an astute observation, Casey. In the legislative world, most of the votes are already decided before a piece of policy ever gets to committee, council, etc. I can definitely connect some lawyers to the cause. Let’s talk about it. 09:20:43     From Casey Phillips : Thank you Trey! 09:23:28     From Emanuel Boo Milton : Facts 09:24:10     From SHERRETA HARRISON : Great call, Everyone. Lots of ideas to consider! Need to run. Thanks for the info! 09:25:19     From Manny Patole - CCBR : If you want to cry - A Place at the Table, that hunger is a problem before Covid and will be after unless we don’t make changes: 09:25:52     From Connor Deloach : Thank you for the opportunity! 09:25:53     From Jen Tewell (she/her) : Thank you - y'all are amazing! 09:26:13     From Karla King : Thank you all for the inspirational meetings every Friday. Stay safe and Namaste' Y'all. 09:26:40     From Pat LeDuff : awesome meeting 09:27:22     From Kelli Rogers : 09:29:24     From Manny Patole - CCBR : At the end of a long week, we may feel exhausted but this call always recharges my batteries to keep going. Thank you everyone for putting that positive energy out in the world. 09:29:47     From Emily Chatelain : If anyone knows of after school enrichment or support programs with kids - email me at 09:29:52     From Kathleen Sarsfield : Looks great Jan! 09:30:29     From Pat LeDuff : lights on Afterschool oct 22 09:31:29     From Manny Patole - CCBR : BINGO! 09:31:35     From Manny Patole - CCBR : Virtual Bingo!!! 09:31:48     From Emanuel Boo Milton : I am 09:32:44     From Casey Phillips : Boo please speak up 0 9:32:48     From Katherina’s iPhone : heck yes I just social distance and wear a mask 09:32:51     From Emanuel Boo Milton : Will do 09:33:39     From Connor Deloach : I have to hop off. Thank you Casey. Thank you everyone. Please reach out with any questions or to just say hello if we haven’t before. (847) 971-7741 09:36:00     From Emily Chatelain : have to jump off, thanks to all for the support and hard work GO TIGERS!! 09:37:11     From Korey Patty : Gotta jump. Thank you all for another great call. 09:40:22     From Katie Pritchett : Since our state has moved to phase 3, we have seen many of our corporate partners consider still hosting golf tournaments and some other events on a much smaller scale than they have in the future. I think that will continue as long as the state is in Phase 3. We are remaining cautious as an organization probably until the end of the year, however we are considering in person events in the spring based on where we are as a state in that point in time.  09:40:30     From Jen Tewell (she/her) : I hope this is OK to share, I work with Grief Recovery Center and we have been funded by United Way to provide COVID-19 support groups as well as individual sessions (children/teens/adults) and family therapy by licensed counselors. Would love to connect and discuss with anyone who 09:43:23     From Emanuel Boo Milton : LOVE that picture !! 09:43:39     From Kelli Rogers : Thanks everyone! I'll get a sharable graphic for the GGH grants to Casey as soon as it's available. 09:43:46     From CRCL : Thank you everyone! All the best! 09:44:29     From Emanuel Boo Milton : STOOOOPPPP 09:44:41     From Kathleen Sarsfield : Thanks Casey - great call! Film Trailer: A Place at the Table


EBR Community Check-In Week #26 Topic “Income Instability & Inequity" Meeting Notes Prepared by Zoe Robison

Featured speaker:

Kendra G. Hendricks

(Economic Development Manager/Capital Region Planning Commission) 

  • The CRPC has been around since 1967 (MPO Metropolitan Planning Organization) for the 5 parish area - East Baton Rouge Parish, West Baton Rouge Parish, Iberville Parish, Ascension Parish and Livingston Parish

  • Federally mandated organization (receive federal funds)

  • Work with road maps for the region, the Louisiana Watershed Initiative, promote safety on the road with DOTD

  • Produce a 5 year strategic plan for comprehensive economic development strategies

  • The H+T Affordability Index (House +Transport) indicates when the cost of housing and transportation equal 45% or more of your income

  • Looking at equity inclusion in housing and transportation

It is essential for policy to evolve and meet people’s needs...where is there a kink in the system where policy is falling short?

  1. Rural areas are not getting the funding they need - some smaller towns do not have enough staff members (for instance, some may have only the mayor and the town clerk), many of whom do not have the experience or know-how to look for grant funding or fill out forms for federal or state dollars.

  2. Communication - we don’t talk to each other enough! For example, if Livingston Parish is in need of a program that EBR already has in place, Livingston might miss the opportunity to join the pre existing program instead of using time and resources to create something new. That’s where CRPC comes in as facilitators pulling everyone in.

Continuing the discussion from Week 22: ‘Income Inequity & Instability'

Jacquelyn Craddock

  • NexusLA is a high growth high potential tech incubator in the BR area

  • Work with Apprenti, a nonprofit program that assists companies and hiring partners looking for tech talent

  • Work with Kendra and her office in a variety of capacities (for example, as an avenue to find grant funding)

Nina Hunter 

  • EmployBR update - making moves to unlock CARES Act dollars for people who have lost jobs due to COVID

  • Excellent resource for info on working with communities that need people to get back to work immediately 

  • Funding strategies, recognizing resources around the state and opportunities around the region (another intersection with CRCP)

  • If individuals are unemployed or underemployed, the Louisiana Workforce Commission can offer assistance. But - don’t assume that just because you’re registered with LWC EmployBR knows who you are! One challenge to overcome is not always working together as fluidly as we’d like to.

This is a marathon - we need to meet the community where they are right now and adjust our programming as such!

The issues we are discussing are systemic and will take time to disrupt and improve. We have to build for tomorrow AND act today.


Q: Are things like Uber and Lyft considered for transportation measures?

A: No - there is not enough info on these services. The CRPC research is looking primarily at households that have a vehicle or at bus/transit systems that can transfer people to and from work. 

Q: One of the big issues has been the disconnect between regional and public planning systems and trying to build that out so that people in more rural areas can easily access employment centers.

A: We are working on this - the CRPC functions as facilitators so we are working to get different entities together to further access.

Comments from the Coalition

Reverend Anderson 

An excellent employment services resource - East Baton Rouge Parish Library Career Center! Everything from training classes to job club groups to working with special populations such as reentry and formerly incarcerated people. These are FREE services. Prior to the pandemic the Career Center could bring resources on site to particular organizations - it’s a great alternative for people not comfortable going into governmental systems.

Theo Richards

  • CRPC and CATS work hand in hand in trying to find mobility solutions in EBR as well as the region

  • How do we better service the parishes around EBR?

    • Looking at a microtransit pilot program to provide access and equity services to communities who have trouble hailing Ubers or Lyfts

Katie Pritchett

  • One thing that constantly comes up is the lack of access between parishes which hinders people’s ability to get better employment or additional educational opportunities.

  • Mobility is a key way for people to access higher paying sustainable jobs that may not be available in their particular parish.

Manny Patole

  • Calls like this break down institutional silos and redundancy

  • Look at transit and the Robert Moses style of urban development - keeping people “out of site and out of mind”

  • Doing more with less...while doing more!

One of the major challenges of public transit is the continued issues of segregation (“not in my backyard”) and the limitations imposed by COVID-19.

What’s the difference between access to mobility and transportation?

  • When we think about public transportation in EBR we typically think about CATS but one of the things we’re really focusing on should be mobility options 

  • Not only CATS but other players - bikes, walking paths, scooters, Transportation Network Companies like Uber and Lyft

  • How do we better create mobility options for the community? What mobility option works best for each particular area? Sometimes, for instance, a large bus isn’t practical for the community. Create mobility access that works for all

Discussing the Nine Drivers of Poverty

Let’s start with access to mobility!

What organizations in the public and private sector, non and for profits, and on the individual level could be pulled in as a thought partner?

  • We need to make sure there are more voices at the table! There has got to be more of a diversified voice and representation in these conversations

  • Specifically with transportation we need to hear from rural areas, North BR, Mid City...everyone! But especially those most impacted by lack of mobility

Who is not in the room that needs to be? 

  • Consider groups for whom privately owned transportation is not an option - youth, special needs, seniors, etc

  • Recently someone suggested that more people in North Baton Rouge use cycling as a form of transportation and none of the resources for cycling safety or convenience is targeted toward North Baton Rouge

  • We need to start overlaying the data in terms of planning out transportation so it’s not who needs it but where are the employment centers and who is using what kind of transport? Where are school populations, where are senior populations and how do we serve them?

  • Lots of people cannot drive for legitimate reasons and should not be limited in their access

  • Additionally many people use public transport or alternative transport for the good of the environment! Continue thinking beyond short term and consider the long term

Dustin Lafont with Front Yard Bikes:

  • I often discuss with BR commuters about the culture of mobility. Believing in our systems, walking, and cycling is a culture as is believing you need a car to be mobile/capable of attaining opportunity.

  • Long time belief and hope that we can grow a culture in BR where your method of transportation isn’t a marker of class/income. Ride a bike, ride the bus, should all be equal. We have to get over the idea that mobility is about class and go against the cultural challenge - use the resources that work for you, use what’s going to help you accomplish what you need to get done!

  • Using mobility to build up the community regardless of the challenges - North BR is doing this WITHOUT the infrastructure - let’s be there for them as engineers of transportation!

Pat LeDuff with CADAV/Scotlandville CDC:

How about creating the WALLS ACTION COUNCIL?

  • Action for public good that includes everyone...Working poor, unemployed, underemployed, everybody!

  • Policy changes are the only real changes

  • One step process system that connects you to a wrap around service

  • Time to stop talking - what are we changing??

Q: What are the limitations on jitneys or ride shares? Not uber or lyft but people who used to use dollar vans (unregulated business taking people to larger organizations/the last mile). What are regulations or rules in place in BR? Could you use spruced up vans to connect communities in need? Capacity, operation and maintenance cost must also be considered - how are programs maintained after year one?

Gwen Hamilton with NSBR :

As it relates to public transportation, my experience in government has seen some of the ideas discussed disconnected between policy makers - what we’re talking about and what we want. We’ve got to stop thinking about transpo for a particular segment - it must be good for ALL. The local planning commission has policies that still require certain numbers of parking spaces for new buildings so as long as you require parking spaces you take away the need for people to use public transpo. We want people to ride the bus but then builders must have a certain number of parking old way of thinking about how public transportation works for everyone. Public transportation is so normal in big cities and there are no places to park - the system becomes a much richer system when everyone SHARES the public transportation system. 

** Noted by Kendra -  Each parish has their own planning commission. CRPC can recommend they review their policies on spaces like that. We can’t enforce only recommend

Q: How do we create tax exemptions beyond jobs you create and give back to the community to add to the pot of what the city needs? Stop tech outsourcing jobs - we have people here who need jobs! At the end of the day companies are going to do what's good for their bottom line to keep shareholders happy. Tax exemption programs could help incentivise companies to hire within the community - a longer conversation!

Q: How can we work with school schedules to help kids go straight from school to jobs? 

A: Middle and high school principals and EBR CTECH would welcome mobility access and/or transportation curriculum for students as a part of their college/career readiness learning and life skills learning. We welcome community input and avenues to offer this to our EBR students. That information is relevant in all career readiness classes.


BRPD is looking for artists, musicians, dancers, character drawers, etc. for an event highlight creative sects of BR in conjunction with a community service and outreach event

October 9, 10, 11, and 12th

Contact for more info:


EBR Community Check-In Week #25 Topic

“Our Kids, Covid and Schools"

Meeting Notes Prepared by Zoe Robison

Featured speaker: Sharmayne R. Rutledge, Ph.D (Executive Director of School Leadership / East Baton Rouge Parish School System) (225) 938-9490 Dr. Rutledge with the latest on EBR’s response to COVID-19: The plan has always been to stagger return-to-school enrollment to ensure everyone’s safety while teaching students protocols and procedures as they transition in.

  • Start with elementary and primary age as they are more in need of face-to-face instruction than older students. Once elementary and primary have been transitioned in we move on to middle and high school students.

  • As we enter Phase 3 we are still phasing in students. We are not yet at 100% face-to-face instruction. We are still monitoring numbers while providing support to teachers and school leaders. The #1 priority is keeping everyone safe while we educate students. We do not want to revert back to Phase 1 or lockdown!

  • As such we must do this in a way that follows given guidelines and continue to see a decrease vs. increase in the number of cases in community and in schools.

What specific measures are we taking?

  • Every school has an isolation room for students exhibiting symptoms.

  • Every nurse and employee understands what signs to look for.

  • Temperature checking students

  • Providing training to teachers and school leaders

It’s important to remember that doing all of this too fast will mean not doing it right, so a phased approach is essential! Questions What can we do better? How can we better serve our community? Q: What is the status of connectivity for the students? Note that kiosks and library opportunities are available for parents to come on board with using electronic devices.  A: Going well! 32 of our schools are open as community hotspots - there is WiFi outside of buildings allowing connection without needing to go inside. We have given out devices in connection with the Sprint 1 Million Project (over the past few years we have given out 125-150 devices to high school students with seniors returning devices at the end of the year to recycle for future use and incoming students). We have also partnered with Exxon to provide devices. There is a national shortage - everyone needs hot spots. Coming in slow but they are coming in and getting placed in the hands of students.

  • A note on Empower 225:

    • Empower 225 has become a satellite for those youth from 13-18 that do not have connectivity/computer access. They can come to Empower 225 facilities from Tuesday to Thursdays from 6:30am-2:30pm. An after school program will also be provided from 2:30-5pm beginning September 28th (with a parent orientation).

    • The same program for adult education from 18-24 years old is offered through our JAG program for their HiSets

    • Contact for more information

Q: 4-H online enrollment opened today - how are agents connecting with the school system? A: Follow up to find what schools need to be reached. For more information contact Rochelle Wilking Q: A recent podcast from NPR discussed how difficult it is for kids to get tested for COVID-19. Politics aside, with 90 schools in EBR altogether, how can we realistically view community spread when we don’t have enough tests? Are we relying on principals to communicate policy to parents? Not all schools are led equally. Is the most vulnerable population in our community most at risk? A: The EBR School System listens in on calls with Our Lady of the Lake - if the student cases rise, we will know because adult cases will rise. We will be able to identify students who show symptoms (though not those who are asymptomatic). These students are then placed in an isolation room and can then go to their physician, self isolate, etc. Students can be tracked and data collected even though the students haven't been tested. It is the belief of the EBR School System that all leaders will act in the interest of students and teachers - this isn’t just maintaining reading levels, it’s about protecting the community. We have provided training, followed up, made sure everyone understands that we have to ensure everyone is safe. Leaders have been verbal when they don’t understand something and make sure protocols are in place - and the reality is even if they don’t care about the health of others, they care about their own health. No one wants to get sick. Q: For parents that have opted in, if at any point they want to opt out how does that negatively affect a child's grades, school standing, and ability to opt back in? When I as a parent feel uncomfortable I want to be sure I don’t harm my child’s standing by opting out. A: (From Simeneaux) We’ve had the time while we’ve been 100% virtual to maximize connectivity, to equip teachers with Google classrooms, to get virtual right. Unless there’s something specific with content or behavior, opting out should not affect the student. If you see the student struggling with content, do virtual meetings with the teacher. It is preferable for students to opt in or out at the 9 weeks. However, because we are using a hybrid synchronous model (click link for video) as opposed to a hybrid model meaning the same teacher is teaching face to face and online classes making it easier to transition at any point. School leaders have been told that if at any point the child needs to switch, that process will be facilitated. Important note - there is a challenge of teachers being muffled with virtual learning. How can we address this further? Q: From Angelle Bradford : On the science side, the child to child and child to adult transmission seems to be murky at worst, and not bad, at best. Is there a regular testing protocol for students? Or are temperature checks as far as the screening goes? A: We are not obligated to do mass tests per the district and state protocol. We do have procedures in place to support and make sure we are protected. Q: Are they doing temperature checks when boarding the bus or once they arrive at school? A: Buses are currently at 50% capacity. Temperature checks are not taking place to board the bus. The idea is that the school system and parents must work together - parents take children’s temperatures at night and in the morning to make sure students are coming in safe and schools also take temperatures upon students’ arrival. Q: What is the process or protocol for monitoring both truant students and parents (i.e. parents not showing up in person OR connectiving virtually) A: Attendance is at 94% currently. Considering the transition to virtual learning this number is not too bad. There are parent liaisons and EBR is working with attendance offices to engage with families that have not connected. Early on some parents didn’t realize we were back in school or that they had to get connected. We make sure they have the devices they need and that they’re either on the list for hotspots or that they're given one. Child welfare and attendance have hotspots to go to families and make sure they have what they need. We have parent liaisons at the district level and at some schools (lower performing schools especially). Non instructional staff at high schools are doing more outreach. Some of the data and feedback suggests previously truant students’ attendance is better virtually than face to face. Q: What protocols have been put in place for child behavioral health/mental health needs?  A: The Dept of Health and Guidance has adopted a curriculum and screeners who, with permission from parents, are able to screen every child. Teachers are being trained to implement social emotional lessons. Reporting protocols are in place to report to counselors and additional steps are taken if concerning behaviors are exhibited - just like in school but this will be online. We welcome feedback! A good contact would be Stacey H. Dupre ( or Erin Bradford at iCare ( We are also revamping work to include mental health support for adults (see SAMHSA and the AWARE program). Q: Bus Drivers have had some concern for their families as the children on their buses are not being tested. Additionally, what is EBR doing to access meals for virtual students who are not yet a part of a food delivery program? Regarding truancy, how is it being handled when students are riding around during the school day? And finally, are you looking at a consistency of time slots for subjects so parents know when each subject will be taught?  A: Regarding buses: It has to be a partnership between schools and families to keep everyone safe. We don’t have the ability to equip school buses with an additional person to take temperatures. Drivers are equipped with PPE to protect them and their families. As to truancy, Parish Deputies or the truancy office can be called to pick kids up. In the event that a parent would like a meal option, we have pick up days (see below for information about the Three o’ Clock Project). Finally, consistency is key with time slots for subjects - high schools do have testing, so there are breaks where we may need proctors. The schedule remains the same but the type may be different.  Q: What discussions are being had regarding vaccines? A: We do mandate to the extent possible that students receive appropriate vaccinations. If it is a healthcare violation or is against religious beliefs, parents can opt out of vaccinations. That has always been the law. In the event that a vaccine is available, parents can opt out as is tradition for either health or religious reasons. There are nurses who review files and make sure students receive vaccinations. There are measures in place should parents opt out - for instance, some students are not allowed back in school if parents do not comply. The COVID vaccination will be handled in the same manner. *Of note: One of the nation's leading virologists predicts there should be a vaccine at the beginning of the winter. No member of the public will receive the vaccine. Health care/front line workers will receive it first. It will be spring before the general population receives the vaccine.* Announcements Emily Chatelain with the Three o’ Clock Project The Three o’ Clock Project is an after school meal sponsor that typically serves supper and a snack to students 18 and under. We are working on creating a home delivery of dinners.Partner organizations can submit a list of kids who can sign up for weekly delivery directly to their homes. This includes a box with 5 dinners and 5 snacks...dinners would arrive cold, meaning they need to be refrigerated. Some might need to be heated with a microwave or oven or may be eaten cold. We are looking to kick off October 1st pending state approval. Sign up if interested! We usually serve 3000 meals a day but have the capacity for more! Looking to partner with other organizations that can continue to add on to the program (Knock Knock, Top Box, etc.). If you know of an organization that has kids in virtual programming this fall, this program will run from October to December and possibly into the new year if we are still virtual. A few details: there are no income requirements, parents need to provide the child's name, DOB, address, and contact info to receive weekly deliveries of a box of meals.  Raymond Jetson with MetroMorphosis and the Power Coalition Historically we have done work with black boys and men. We were the city of BR’s My Brother’s Keeper entity. We recently hosted a series of listening sessions with African American males about their aspirations. Outcome and bottom line: we intend to focus a great deal more on the My Brother’s Keeper model of impacting, in particular focusing on education and workforce. There are six milestones in this model, two of which are focused on education and workforce. We are also looking to utilise the Urban Congress platform - there was interest in creating safe spaces to connect. Please watch the videos below released by 100 Black Men recently relating to these subjects.  We also hosted a webinar around voting - “What’s at Stake? Voting in a Pandemic”. The bottom line of this discussion is that there’s so much at stake in this upcoming election but also a great deal of uncertainty attached to it. October 5th is the LAST DAY you can be registered and vote in the election by mail. We’ll be sharing a mass communication as soon as there is some more determination around mail voting. Shift your mindset - there is an election SEASON not a day and we need to be very intentional. There has been a push to connect with local registrar voters to create large spaces for multiple precincts so people can practice social distancing when they vote. There is a shortage of election day workers - look at the Power Coalition website for more information if you’d like to work election day! This could also be a good opportunity for students over 18 that need community service hours. Getting Home Safely - 100 Black Men of Metro Baton Rouge "The Talk" - 100 Black Men of Metro Baton Rouge COVID-19 Tips - 100 Black Men of Metro Baton Rouge


EBR Community Check-In Week #24 Topic

“Wrap Around Services for the Working Poor"

Meeting Notes Prepared by Zoe Robison

Featured Speaker:

(Program Director / Empower 225)

4829 Winbourne Avenue / Baton Rouge, LA 70805

I. How do you define “Working Poor”?

  • Income falls below the given poverty line

  • Doesn’t matter if you’re looking for employment or are already employed 

  • 51% in the state of LA struggling to meet their needs

  • See The Advocate August 6, 2020 article defining the working poor in partnership with United Way using the ALICE measure (“Asset Limited, Income Constrained and Employed”)

  • For example: A family of four needs to make $60,000/year to meet BASIC needs. Meanwhile minimum wage is not even $8 in Louisiana

  • And this doesn’t even address the pandemic. Even though people have jobs the jobs are simply not enough to cover basic needs

II. How to present wrap around services?

  1. Childcare - a lot of families are in desperate need of childcare.There are assistance programs through the Department of Education and SNAP, but the problem remains that one job is not enough to cover expenses. Now you’re looking at needing two or three jobs to get by. 

  2. Financial Literacy - financial literacy must be ingrained in children in order to create a healthy financial track and break the generational cycle of poverty. How are you going to handle money and move forward and not make the same mistakes over and over if you don’t learn how to manage finances?

  3. Affordable Housing - there is not a lot of safe, upwardly mobile, affordable housing available 

  4. Education - we have lots of vocational training (shoutout BRCC!) but the reality is that you’re still dealing with a low wage income. American working poor citizens will always deal with this. Even with training youth in healthcare or renewable energy (two booming areas), there is still an abundance of low wage services/job sectors.

  5. Households - Two wage earners have lower rates of working poverty than a single earner. When policy makers argue, encouraging people to get married to reduce poverty level...well, that’s easier said than done! There are still many obstacles to overcome.

  6. Mentorship - youths with mentors counseling them AND their families are the ones moving forward and having better success. In order to reduce the working poor we must create a working stipend, transportation assistance, affordable childcare, and health coverage.

Casey Phillips (Walls Project):  Mission to create a coalition across the EBR composed of three workgroups: a) funders, b) practitioners/service providers, and c) data, evaluation and policy. Bring in funders, municipal agencies, school districts, academics and policy makers to ‘wrap around’ service providers to create a continuum to identify need (with data), provide services with impact, and evaluate with shared metrics to help understand how to leverage federal dollars in the local community for collective social impact. #OneRouge We live in a college town - massive community spread as schools reopen is likely. There is a high probability that everything will go virtual again. It would be a missed opportunity to not communicate through that virtual space to discuss and implement wrap around services for kids and their entire families.  Is there an outward communication opportunity with families if there's a shared data agreement between nonprofits and EBR schools? Walls is already making this happen with the Three O’Clock project by providing all Futures Fund Tech Academy students the ability to sign-up to have 5 packaged dinners delivered to their house on Mondays. Soon via Geaux Get Healthy partnerships we will have Topbox deliver a box of of fresh fruits & vegetables to the same homes on Fridays from Baton Roots Community Farm and growers from the Food Insecurity Coalition.  

Dr. Shermayne Rutledge (EBR Schools - Virtual Learning): Consider EBR’s Hybrid Synchronous Instructional Model - allows students learning at home to learn at the same time and the same rate as students in the classroom.this is a continued research based model that supports all students. Organize with school districts’ legal counsel and make sure there’s an MOU in place. Support the school system - this is a way to do it. Need that relationship to go both ways. Need shared data and commitment from the school districts. Edy Addison (Capital Area United Way):  UniteUS - takes collaboration a step forward by providing referrals to organizations (for examples, if I provide food assistance but need something for a client beyond my scope I can go through UniteUS to find someone who can address that need)

Chelsea Morgan (American Heart Association): 

Two entities that would be substantial partnerships to begin with: Department of Health and school districts

  • If we can’t get accurate data on the needs of families in the healthcare system...if we bring things in from above and aren’t empowering...when you take away the funders is there sustainable infrastructure for systemic change? Louisiana Primary Care Association is important to have in these conversations - they have direct working wraparound services, help people understand the health outcomes of what we discussed earlier (systemic barriers impact exposure to chronic conditions, cardiovascular disease, etc). Some people don’t even go to the doctor because of fear of deportation - important conversations we need to be having!

  • Data collection and accountability: do well meaning projects work? Where’s that data?

Tristi Charpentier (Wilson Foundation): 

Important to note: we have 14 school districts that are run very it best to start small, for instance just in the four EBR school districts, and expand thereby making it easier to to duplicate in other parishes?

Reverend Alexis Anderson (PREACH):

A note from the EBR Prison Reform Coalition and LA Center for Children’s Rights discussion Addressing Police Brutality in Children in EBR: 

  • Panelist Myra Richardson raised excellent points regarding stepping outside of your comfort level and helping those who are ACTUALLY affected by systemic barriers and injustices. Young people are expected to be on the frontlines and take the bullets for the social ills but are not allowed to be at the table to change policy and make decisions. Stop looking at the people who make you comfortable and start looking at the people who have the most skin in the game, those who are most impacted. It’s often easy to come up with solutions FOR folks instead of organically watering the people who have the solutions. They’re the ones living where the solutions aren’t happening yet they’re not part of the decision making. Let’s be strategic - who’s not at the table who needs to be there? What young people are we not talking to that we need to be talking to? What blocks and streets and houses are we not going to because it’s uncomfortable?

Dr. Patrick Tuck (4-H Louisiana):  Strong 4H programs in place in most rural parishes in LA - 4H developed a lesson study program for agents to collaborate and mentor each other on successes in the parish. This was a very successful model that moved from just two parishes to nearly all. A strong practitioner partner for the coalition! Additional Coalition Comments:

  • We are moving the community forward as much as we can but we really need to get heavily involved in the children to make a difference.

  • Mentorship is so important but can seem abstract. But think about things in the past - for example, apprenticeships - that worked!

  • Wrap around services are very important but are often marginalized by something that has to be done in social services or relies on someone else.

  • One of the key pillars is the social component - so important to emphasize this to college kids preparing to enter the workforce. Access to health care, support services, education, and an understanding of sustainability are essential. Sadly, we often only look at the problems with our social structure when something goes wrong. But these conversations help move forward to a better place instead of staying stuck with the status quo!

  • Mass incarceration is also a huge factor - look at the factors that led to incarceration and all the barriers in place when they are reintegrated into society. 

  • Bad policy is in place - so let’s work harder to change policy!

  • People are willing to work! Work is not the problem. It starts with policy making. Bring the youth in. Over communicate!


Week 23 TOPIC

Hurricane Laura Response


All (Hurricane Laura Community Needs)

  • How to help the residents of Southwest Louisiana:

    • Kinder, LA many dislocated from evacuation

    • Healing Place looking for donations

    • Had gone to 4 different states (moving in w/ family/friends)

    • No way to get back home and what they’re getting back home to

    • 4-H Educational Center Camp Grant Walker outside Alexandra (Pollock, LA), was vastly underused as a place to stay (600 beds)

    • Crisis Cleanup: (844) 965-1386 (Hurricanes Marco & Laura:

    • Please encourage citizens displaced to call 211 for all sheltering, cleanup, snap, etc related resources. Statewide resources are being updated 24/7.

    • Gas cards, food packages, etc.

Tristi Carpenter (Wilson Foundation)

  • Currently working in search and rescue

  • Crisis Cleanup: (844) 965-1386 (Hurricanes Marco & Laura:

  • louisianavoad@gmail.comSBP prepping to help Lake Charles area


  • Foundations aren’t doing fundraising outside budget are going into corpus. 

  • After Katrina Wilson made a $1m donation, 2016 Flood $500K, $800K COVID Response

  • Contingency budget may be exhausted due to COVID response

  • National philanthropy will come in for disasters

    • Unsure though of the amount available

    • IBM have a set amount (and IBM employees can help match)

    • Can offer a service to an organization (temp cloud storage, etc.)

    • Helped establish 211 system in FL w/ AI

    • Chatbots are easy to get up and running

    • Their grants are ultra-specific

  • How can foundations use their own assets to help

    • ExxonMobil donating fuel to CajunNavy and for the buses

    • Now hearing will be able to discuss fuel to get back home

Tre Nelson (Baton Rouge General Foundation)

  • Hospital Lake Charles Memorial experienced flooding in Emergency Room with huge evacuation

    • Large wave came to BR and next steps come getting them back safely to LC

    • Families coming with patients are a case-by-case basis

    • Being intentional about working with families

    • But we can make signs, send welcome packets to local hotels to make people feel better.

    • Due to the storm, most COVID tests were canceled for the week, however, we have two test sites up and running:  Today at Victory Spanish Church and tomorrow at Elm Grove Baptist on 38th Street. The flyer is attached.

Katherina McGraw (Empower225)

  • Collecting items to send out next week

    • Lake Charles, Alexandria, even out-of-state

    • Highland or Denham campuses accepting donations:

      • Empower 225 as Healing Place Church partners are collecting items for disaster relief. Highland Campus 19202 Highland Road Baton Rouge LA 70809 and Healing Place Church, Denham Springs Campus 569 Florida Ave SW Denham Springs LA 70726 will be collecting items to take to Lake Charles and other affected areas. The items that you can donate are the following: Bottled Water, Drinks, Snacks, Granola Bars, Juice Boxes, Canned Food, Diapers and Pedialyte. Dates and Times for Drop Box are the following: Today August 28th 9am-3pm, Saturday August 29th 9am-3pm, 

      • Monday August 31st to Friday September 4th 9am-3pmYou can find more information at

      • Partnered with Church of the King(Lake Charles) and United Methodist Church (Alexandria)

Raymond Jetson (MetroMorphosis)

  • Best Practices on Emergency Preparation

    • Critical Elements

      • How you communicate with the people apart of your organization/team

      • Order of and clarity in communication

      • Expectations with team and for actions w/ challenges they may face (power, internet, etc.) in mind

      • Templates are available online for these types of plans

Jan Ross (Wilson Foundation)

  • more details to come but the Wilson Foundation and several key funding partners are coming together to create a GIVING DAY on December 1st. This will be a tremendous opportunity for nonprofits to supplement revenues from holiday fundraising events that have been cancelled due to Covid.

Zoom Chat: From Tristi Charpentier to Everyone: (8:34 AM) Crisis Cleanup: (844) 965-1386 (Hurricanes Marco & Laura: From Edy Addison to Everyone: (8:35 AM) Please encourage citizens displaced to call 211 for all sheltering, cleanup, snap, etc related resources. Statewide resources are being updated 24/7.) Email if you know of services for inclusion in the Laura resources. thank you! From Pat LeDuff to Everyone: (8:37 AM) yes thank you Rev Anderson From Tristi Charpentier to Everyone: (8:39 AM) From Edy Addison to Everyone: (8:42 AM) Our United Way colleagues in Lake Charles are raising dollars for response as well: From Katherina McGraw to Everyone: (8:45 AM) Empower 225 as Healing Place Church partners are collecting items for disaster relief. Highland Campus 19202 Highland Road Baton Rouge LA 70809 and Healing Place Church, Denham Springs Campus 569 Florida Ave SW Denham Springs LA 70726 will be collecting items to take to Lake Charles and other affected areas. The items that you can donate are the following: Bottled Water, Drinks, Snacks, Granola Bars, Juice Boxes, Canned Food, Diapers and Pedialyte. Dates and Times for Drop Box are the following: Today August 28th 9am-3pm, Saturday August 29th 9am-3pm, Monday August 31st to Friday September 4th 9am-3pm You can find more information at From Tristi Charpentier to Everyone: (8:48 AM) From to Everyone: (8:53 AM) Due to the storm most COVID test was cancelled for the week, however we have two test sites up and running:  Today at Victory Spanish Church and tomorrow at Elm Grove Baptist on 38th Street. Flyer is attached. From Rev. Alexis Anderson to Everyone: (8:57 AM) Sorry Noone could hear me.  Just wanted to encourage everyone to go out of their way to make those sheltering in Baton Rouge to be made to feel welcome.  During Katrina may families and individuals were made to feel particularly unwelcome.  We don't have physical tools like hugs and church services to give that comfort during a pandemic.  But we can make signs, send welcome packets to local hotels to make people feel better. From Raymond A. Jetson to Everyone: (8:59 AM) Amen Rev Anderson! From Pat LeDuff to Everyone: (8:59 AM) so true! From Adonica Duggan to Everyone: (9:00 AM) This is a great thing for kids to do while they are home from school. Thanks for this idea From Edy Addison to Everyone: (9:00 AM) I have to hop off for a statewide 211 call. thanks Casey! From Tre Nelson to Everyone: (9:01 AM) Thank you all for the collective work that everyone is doing to give aid to our South West Louisiana neighbors. Every action makes a difference and the work that you do will change lives. Keep up the great work and have a good Friday! From Patrick Tuck to Everyone: (9:04 AM)

From Manny Patole to Everyone: (9:05 AM) For those interested and want to watch something besides TV: Not related to anything we are currently doing/discussing now


Week 22 TOPIC

Income Inequity & Instability


Nina Hunter (EmployBR / Program Administrator) / /

  • About EmployBR: Local workforce development for the city, receive federal dollars through federal statute WIOA (Work Innovation and Opportunity Act). Funds flow through Louisiana Workforce Commission to the city of BR.

  • Eligible participants are low-income individuals, youth with barriers to employment (criminal background, being a parent, being in foster care, homelessness, basic skills deficiency), and dislocated workers (due to COVID-19)

    • For dislocated workers, individuals laid off due to COVID-19 and receiving unemployment benefits (over two months typically) who are not likely to return to the industry are eligible.

  • Provide assistance with scholarships, certification, access to a new field. No income requirement if you are a dislocated worker. Only need proof of receiving benefits over a certain amount of time. Opportunity to receive further credentials.

  • The biggest barrier is unemployment benefits – a large percentage of individuals were making less than $600 a week prior to COVID. Why return to work when making more from home?

  • EmployBR operates virtually due to COVID (unless individuals do not have access to technology, in which case front door meetings are allowed).

  • Transitional jobs policy centered on youth (16-24). Partner with a worksite – supervision, job duties, instruction, etc. but paid by EmployBR. Opportunity for a first job and soft skills. The employer doesn’t bear the risk. Up to a year. Transitional jobs policy now includes adults (includes individuals with a criminal background or dislocated workers).

  • Federal funds have been allocated to the state of Louisiana to expand the capacity to provide disaster recovery.

Jacqueline Craddock (NexusLA & Apprenti / Director of Workforce Initiatives) / /

  •  High tech startup growth incubator in BR that serves the state

  • Workforce development that lifts Apprenti Louisiana, nonprofit training program started in Seattle to amplify tech jobs for both tech companies and companies that utilize tech roles

  • Candidates use online portal to take an assessment – no prior experience in technology required, no resumes or pedigrees, take the person where they are, use behavioral interviews to look at the person themselves and remove biases that may be embedded in the industry

  • Looking for aptitude and appetite, candidates that wouldn’t have necessarily applied to these positions. Series of trainings tied directly to their role in that job and level of current competencies and need of certification.

  • No cost to candidates for training; provided by Apprenti

  • Full time with complete benefits from day one for one year

  • Not the training provider, rather the intermediary

  •  Work on a national and local scale

  • Wage schedules – apprenticeships are not internships! These are investments for retention for long term employment. Looking for partners with that same philosophy. This is about gaining access to a career pathway in tech. As an example, wage schedules see wage increase from $16.50 increased over six months, then a year.

  • Biggest challenge – trusting that there are candidates that want to hit these tech jobs running. In this industry, you really don’t need a four-year degree to do the work but you do need competencies tied directly to the job! Workforce programs are not looking to take away from higher ed! Partner with LCTCS (provides credit for prior learning) to continue or begin programs with partnered institutions. Partners also provide tuition assistance to apprentices who have finished their program to continue in higher education or professional development.

9am Coffee Chat & Questions: Casey Phillips w/ Walls Project – understanding the Department of Labor Funding Streams (unofficial document/cheat sheet):

Let individuals determine where you need to be! Create a horizontal continuum of quality workforce training programs and partnerships across the region to help feed candidates to the Apprenti program and fill industry job needs. Once they’re in, they have access to jobs waiting for them – not just low wage jobs, but jobs with full benefits and higher wages. Capital Region workforce ecosystem and potential pathways for unemployed adults, veterans, and opportunity youth:

  1. EmployBR (LWDA 21) and GeauxJobs (LWDA 20)

  2. Community College System (BRCC & RPCC)

  3. Training Service Providers (in technology the local continuum is Futures Fund Coding Boot Camp, SLT Technologies/Oracle University, IBM)

  4. Apprenti/NexusLa, Hiring Firms and 4-Year Universities

Dustin LaFont w/ Front Yard Bikes – relationship with EmployBR

  • Out of school youths finding work opportunities

    • Example – student evicted from his home during high school, had to quit school to work. How to leverage education and providing for family? EmployBR worked with him to find counselors and advisors to move forward, taking pressure off FYB (can only have so many individuals and hours before resources are depleted).

Coalition Questions & Answers: 1.       Individuals currently qualifying for unemployment through the federal system – dislocated help for self-employed individuals?

  • Individuals who are self-employed and unable to maintain a standard of living due to circumstances outside of their control (i.e. COVID) do qualify for EmployBR’s services.

2.       Do dislocated workers receive assistance related to childcare and/or limited public transport?

  • Number one objective is to remove barriers to success. EmployBR has access to federal dollars to provide childcare as well as partnerships with local transport.

3.       Working with local high schools? Some do not have access to technology.

  • Apprenti does not reach out to K-12 but do have partnerships. Average apprentice would be 33 years old with about 8-10 years of professional experience (transferrable skills from other departments). Generally working with adults who want opportunities to upscale and create new pathways. Require a high school diploma and 18 years of age to work with Apprenti.

4.       In the interest of developing local capacity to attract employers AND increase participation in community engagement / local economic development, is there any information on the current gaps in the community with respect to these points?

  •  Lots of effort in this area, working on collaboration using MOU - as soon as we find out someone is serving the same population, EmployBR works with these programs to cover different areas that need funding. Objective is to get together with people who have already been making those steps and need financial support and make aware of federal dollars available. Always open to collaboration!

5.       Impact on benefits for people unemployed right before COVID who previously did not qualify?

  • Those individuals would be in the category of low-income adults. Includes individuals receiving food stamps. There is also a category for dislocated homemakers whose spouse lost their job due to COVID.

6.       At the state level are there bottlenecks with policy that could be addressed to free up more benefits for those who need it the most?

  •  COVID exposed gaps. No one was prepared for COVID! One of the biggest issues is the need for access to assistance from an actual person.

  • As related to the LWC, the funds are divided into workers comp, unemployment insurance, and workforce development. Funds typically stay within each area and do not cross. Local workforce development areas are under the umbrella of workforce development. Each workforce development area receives a certain amount for adults, dislocated, and youth. Policy for the state is driven by WIOA. Looks at what is eligible within that act and what can be applied. There are opportunities to move between adult and dislocated funds but youth funds must stay separate. One change could be areas spending money with training providers with clear performance measures and outcomes for people.

7.       Together BR works with small business – difficulty for small business owners getting through workforce red tape bureaucracy. What about money sent back to the federal government that has not been used?

  • EmployBR is attached to the city of BR. Other boards are not. Try to compete with industry in the private sector. Want to help small business as well as large business. The goal is to make connections and putting people to work! Many regulations in place – but one way around that is employing individuals through EmployBR rather than through the state to avoid barriers utilized by the city of Baton Rouge such as background checks and drug screening. Creating relationships with these employers helps circumvent such barriers. Blend the need to respond to industry and business through gobs of red tape.

  • Money allocated for state use is good for an extra year before it must be sent back! The goal is not to return the money but take advantage of every dollar to pull down more money in the future. The census is a great way to make clear the amount of people who need to be served!

Zoom Chat: From Casey Phillips to Everyone: (8:32 AM) For Week #22 'Income Inequity & Instability' was identified by coalition as a focus area to discuss monthly. We will continue the work from this summer into the fall to address issues impacting the working poor.  From Pat LeDuff to Everyone: (8:45 AM) yes the first time - sounds awesome!!! From Nina Hunter to Everyone: (8:46 AM) Nina S. Hunter- EmployBR - From Tristi Charpentier to Everyone: (8:47 AM) Can you share that one-pager on federal funding flow with the group? From Casey Phillips to Everyone: (8:50 AM) Absolutely Tristi - see below. From Sarah Walsh to Everyone: (8:51 AM) Yes yes yes! From Pat LeDuff to Everyone: (8:52 AM) this is so awesome!!  good info From Pat LeDuff to Everyone: (8:52 AM) Jackie, please enter your info From Jacquelyn Craddock to Everyone: (8:52 AM) Hello, my email is To learn more about Apprenti, please visit From Anita White to Everyone: (8:53 AM) Registration for Women’s Week 2020! Now open. Share information about programs and opportunities with the public during Women’s Week 2020! – October 9th through 15th, 2020. Application form now available.Contact Women’s Council of Greater Baton Rouge for more information and application form at womensweek2020!@wcgbr.comWomen’s Week is all virtual this year, and presentations must be approved by Women’s Council of Greater Baton Rouge (WCGBR) From Manohar Ramkumar Patole to Everyone: (8:53 AM) let's also not hate on the value of four-year colleges and universities. From Casey Phillips to Everyone: (8:56 AM) I see you Rev. Anderson From Dr. Hilton-Pitre to Everyone: (8:57 AM) Hello Mr. Jetson! From Patrick Tuck to Everyone: (8:58 AM) I see Provost Haynie is on your board. From Pat LeDuff to Everyone: (8:58 AM) should they already be high school graduates? From Patrick Tuck to Everyone: (9:00 AM) Rev. Anderson asked my questions about childcare and working with schools. :-) From Manohar Ramkumar Patole to Everyone: (9:00 AM) Q: in the interest of developing local capacity to attract employers AND increase participation in community engagement / local economic development, Does Nina have any information on the current gaps in the community with respect to these points? From Dr. Hilton-Pitre to Everyone: (9:01 AM) I enjoyed the call. I have to jump on another call for 9:00. Dr. Twana Hilton-Pitre, Executive Director for School Leadership, EBR. @ Casey, please send me a direct invite to future meetings. Thank you! From Pat LeDuff to Everyone: (9:02 AM) what about people who did not qualify for unemployment because they were already laid off prior to COVID any opportunity for reapplying for new disaster funds are you guys working with GED programs From Manohar Ramkumar Patole to Everyone: (9:07 AM) thanks, Nina. I will be sure to follow up with you about this. From Jacquelyn Craddock to Everyone: (9:07 AM) I'll share with Casey a list of resources that persons in K-12 and adults can utilize to begin efforts and learning in tech. From Nina Hunter to Everyone: (9:07 AM) Sounds good From Pat LeDuff to Everyone: (9:09 AM) Awesome Dustin!! that’s the gap fill I was questioning thank you Nina From Manohar Ramkumar Patole to Everyone: (9:14 AM) I think Nina needs to do a PSA with Jackie and others about navigating.the unemployment/dislocated programs in EBR if there isn't one on out yet! From Rev. Alexis Anderson to Everyone: (9:14 AM) I agree! From Edy Addison/CAUW to Everyone: (9:15 AM) Once again, I learned a ton. Thanks Casey. Hopping off for another call. Have a great weekend everyone! From Manohar Ramkumar Patole to Everyone: (9:16 AM) in policy analysis, you only truly understand the gaps/problems when things go bad NOT when things are going well. From Pat LeDuff to Everyone: (9:17 AM) it was good policy prior COVID lol From Manohar Ramkumar Patole to Everyone: (9:21 AM) Will we be provided with summaries of these apprentice programs? if not, may I kindly request from Jackie and others a one pager about them? From Pat LeDuff to Everyone: (9:21 AM) preach Casey !!! yes From Rev. Alexis Anderson to Everyone: (9:21 AM) Say that! From Manohar Ramkumar Patole to Everyone: (9:22 AM) IMO, Institutional design is intentional for what it wants to accomplish.agree with casey From Pat LeDuff to Everyone: (9:24 AM) how do we detach EmployBR from the City From Pat LeDuff to Everyone: (9:25 AM) preach Nina!! From Nina Hunter to Everyone: (9:31 AM) We spent all our money this year!!!!!!!!! Census!!!!! From Kelli Rogers to Everyone: (9:32 AM) Thanks, everyone!  So much great information as usual.  Happy Friday! From Pat LeDuff to Everyone: (9:32 AM) Happy Friday everyone! From Manohar Ramkumar Patole to Everyone: (9:33 AM) preach, Jackie! I would like to participate in that side meeting about current program From Jan Ross - HAWF to Everyone: (9:33 AM) Thanks everyone for your passion and commitment to our community.  Have a great weekend.

Week 21 TOPIC

Our Kids, COVID, and School Safety


Dr. Sharmayne Rutledge (EBR Schools)

  • We are working with teachers, students, and families to make sure they have the best experience online

  • Trying to enforce the 20/20/20 rule 

  • Building and assisting teacher in hybrid teaching 

    • Building a series of professional development 

  • We don’t want a hiccup for our kids as we move into this split/hybrid world 

Adonica Duggan (New Schools for Baton Rouge)

  • Being really proactive to make the transition if there needs to be in-school learning

  • Schools are making sure they are clear with families on what data points they are using to inform them on evaluating where they are in educating students virtually/in-person

Shalonda Simoneaux (EBR Schools)

  • We want to reach out and let students know there are still clubs and other interest outside of academics

    • Social-emotional learning

    • Activities 

    • Athletics are still following protocols of LHSAA

Dr. Girard Melancon (BRCC)

  • Our hands-on programs started last week and are face to face, following COVID guidelines

  • We’ve restarted the non-credit division, technical credit programs, and general credit transfer programs

  • We’ve started training activities at night for our adult learners following safety protocols

  • The main campus operations will start Monday, August 17

    • Although the campus will be a ghost town, everything will be real-time virtual 

  • Also offering incentive programs for-credit courses (more than 15 hours), there’s a $600 credit toward tuition 

  • We’ve waved out of state fees for international students

  • We have 15, 12, and 7-week classes starting

Dr. Tyrslai Williams (LSU)

  • We are 10 days away from starting

  • Our calendar hasn’t changed

  • Our classes that are over 100 will be online

    • Classes between 11-99, will be held in class with social distancing

    • If a class is over 50 but there’s not a room, they will have different times

    • Classes with 10 or less will be held online or in person, it is up to the student 

  • There are 8-10 quiet zones around campus 

    • Only for students who have classes that are online

  • If you are a student facing department they will be open 

Dr. Derrick Warren, Dean Donald Andrews, and Shawn Vance (Southern University)

  • We are in full session right now 

  • We welcomed back upperclassmen, freshman and transfer students were welcomed back last week

  • Campus remains committed to the safety and wellbeing of students and teachers

    • Campus is actively engaging safely with local state and national health resources on how to best move forward with classes and activities 

  • We are in phase 2 with faculty 

  • There are 3 options for class delivery 

    • Face to face

    • Hybrid

    • Online

      • 47% of students prefer face to face, 53% prefer a hybrid 

  • Masks are required at all times

  • Temperature checks are required at various checkpoints

  • There is an entire campus transition plan

  • SULC started class on Tuesday 

    • Manually enrolled all of our students

    • Built students schedules so they would all stay in the same room for in-person classes

    • Set up work stations within classrooms that reduced capacity to about ⅓

    • Freshman are in an assigned seat surrounded by plexiglass 

    • We have areas for breaks 

    • Trained teachers how to keep students engaged via online classes

COFFEE CHAT @ 9AM Reverend Alexis Anderson

  • How are parent support services going to be delivered in this environment?

    • “We have support resources on our website under the COVID 19 resources. We are teaching parents how to learn through project-based learning.” - Sharmayne Rutledge 

  • Is there any possibility of a trained training opportunity for groups who can’t navigate the surveys?

    • “If anyone would need technology training, we will be able to do this virtually. Right now we are meeting with a group of employees who have never even accessed their emails. If you are an organization that would like to host something, let us know. - Sharmayne Rutledge

Dustin LaFont (Front Yard Bikes)

  • Many families surveyed prefer to be online for the school year but lack access to pick up meals or have class from during pick up time. Is there any way community partners can pick up meals to distribute to EBR enrolled students? Do we have any other alternatives?

    • “We’re also doing meal pick-up. The first 2 weeks are daily. Parents don’t have to pick up the meals themselves, someone else will scan a QR code for them. It also doesn’t have to be their child’s school.” - Sharmayne Rutledge

    • Idea Innovation is starting meals on wheels next week. We are turning to school leaders and educators to understand what those needs are. - Adonica Duggan

Manny Patole (Co-City)

  • How will your institutions enforce masks and other protocols and prevent bullying?

    • “We have a protocol in place where there are 3 covid videos they have to watch and a conduct contract saying they have to wear the mask and if they refuse they will be escorted off of the campus. We have a no leniency rule regarding face-mask, along with the proper use”. - Girard Melancon (BRCC)

    • “Similar policies at Southern. There is a complaint area online to voice complaint so that campus officials can take action when someone violates protocol.”- Derrick Warren (SU)

    • “Students who can’t wear masks at all times have been directed so they can have a plan put in place for them specifically.” - Tyrslai Williams (LSU)

Korey Patty (Feed Louisiana)

  • Girard, do you have any info you can share on BRCC’s partnership with the state around SNAP Employment and Training?

    • “Work Study has been suspended at BRCC. Those who are receiving or eligible for SNAP benefits can enroll in a program where we help with funding or covering tuition”. - Girard Melancon (BRCC

Jan Ross (Wilson Foundation)

  • 2 weeks from today we have a grant cycle that closes 

  • Anyone with a 501c(3) we are open to receiving grant applications from you 

  • Link from the application is available to you

  • All contact information is on our website

  • Next week we will make a decision on if we have a fundraising opportunity 

Emily Chatelain (3 O’Clock Project)

  • LA Dept of Education

    • LDH has a lot of requirements to deliver meals

      • Needs to be refrigerated delivery method

  • 3 O’Clock has refrigerated trucks but needs support to get that restarted

  • Problems:

    • Red tape and logistics

      • Changing policy for the emergency at hand

      • Explaining the solutions with key leaders being able to move the needle

Kathleen Sarsfield (EBR Schools Foundation)  

  • Connecting the Food Insecurity Coalition with the specialist in food access in schools 

  • Enough funding out there to be able to create and sustain eco-system until the spring

  • What do policymakers need to be at the EBR Food Insecurity Meetings?

  • Being able to get more understanding around the programs and what the challenges are

  • Understanding the policy proposals and what they are

  • Not trying to recreate the real

    • Make changes to improve access

Casey Phillips (Walls Project)

  • We need a consistent turn-key solution location in the highest need neighborhoods.

  • If we concentrated our collective efforts to 5 BREC parks in North Baton Rouge where the data demonstrates food insecurity need is then unemployed and working poor would have a consistent place to receive vital needs within 10-minute walking distance.

  • Daily/Weekly Meals with EBR Schools, Three O’Clock Project, Geaux Get Healthy Coalition (Topbox, Baton Roots, AHA), United We Feed, and even family services like Sparkbox, Census/Voter Registration, PPE, Internet Access, etc.

8.14 Zoom Chat:

From Sharmayne Rutledge to Everyone: (8:38 AM) If parents need technology assistance: have them log on to technology.ebr to request a device or a hotspot.Support the EBR foundation or become active with the foundation:

From Rev. Alexis Anderson to Everyone: (8:40 AM) Are there hotlines for parents and grandparents that are internet savvy?

From Sharmayne Rutledge to Everyone: (8:40 AM) If parents need technology assistance: have them log on to to request a device or a hotspot. Please use the for questions or additional support.

From Rev. Alexis Anderson to Everyone: (8:42 AM) How are parent support services going to be delivered in this new environment?

From Summer Steib (she/her) to Everyone: (8:42 AM) Dr. Melancon, will BRCC have any work-study opportunities for students this fall?

From Casey Phillips to Everyone: (8:42 AM) Girard, are there financial incentives for the industrial training trainees? Or just on the for-credit side.

From Korey Patty to Everyone: (8:44 AM) Girard, do you have any info you can share on BRCC’s partnership with the state around SNAP Employment and Training?

From Manny Patole - CCBR to Everyone: (8:50 AM) Q: How will your institutions enforce masks and other protocols and prevent bullying? General interest to pool best practices. NYU has said they will higher students to be “Health Ambassadors” but I feel a freshman asking a persnickety tenured professor to follow the rules will not go well.

From Tristi Charpentier to Everyone: (8:52 AM) Behind every messy desk is a brilliant mind!

From Dustin LaFont @FYB to Everyone: (8:53 AM) Good Morning EBR team, Many families surveyed prefer to be online for the school year but lack access to pick up meals or have class from during pick up time. Is there anyway community partners can pick up meals to distribute to EBR enrolled students? Do we have any other alternatives?

From Tyrslai Williams to Everyone: (8:54 AM) Roadmap to LSU Fall 2020…

From Traci Vincent to Everyone: (8:55 AM) Angela Dortch, Account Manager 404-938-4722

From Judith Rhodes to Everyone: (8:57 AM) This is from the LSU President Office regarding COVID safety, face coverings, and enforcement.

From Manny Patole - CCBR to Everyone: (8:57 AM) @Dustin, can you/your network employ a DhabaWalla food delivery service?

From ssimoneaux to Everyone: (9:01 AM) Shalonda Simoneaux (225) 337-6487

From Angela Robertson to Everyone: (9:02 AM) Thanks for the awesome meeting.

From David Beach - HAWF to Everyone: (9:04 AM) I apologize for needing to leave early. I have another call. Thank you for your continued commitment and collaboration.

From Casey Phillips to Everyone: (9:04 AM) Thank you Angela & David!

From Judith Rhodes to Everyone: (9:05 AM) Is there any discussion about changing instructional minutes requirements for this school year? High stakes testing?

From Me to Everyone: (9:06 AM) Dr. Sharmayne Rutledge

Sharmayne Rutledge (225) 922-5533

From Sharmayne Rutledge to Everyone: (9:10 AM) EBR HOTLINE phone number (225) 400.7451

09:12:36 From Manny Patole - CCBR : Greatly appreciate institutions with solid plans and rules of conduct. 09:14:22 From Emily Chatelain : Dustin, Casey, Pat - we're hearing the same concerns about meals and parents unable to pick up. Over the summer, this is why we developed "mobile meal routes" to deliver into communities at BREC parks. We still had parents who struggled to reach us. An issue not talked about is LDH (Dept Health) is imposing strict food safety regs on meal delivery - we have refrigerated trucks we are still leasing and planning on a supper program delivery if we get waivers from USDA. We would love to partner with other community-based orgs to help develop this delivery idea. We've reached out to EBR and haven't heard back, but I think the liability of picking up their meals to deliver may come into play... would love to chat more with anyone interested and brainstorm. This will be a big hurdle for food access this year 09:14:45 From Emily Chatelain : **I have to switch to my phone and run out to a meeting hence the long note :) 09:17:09 From Manny Patole - CCBR : @Girard and Casey, can you share the apprenticeship program description. General 1-pager will be great if available. 09:17:20 From Derrick Warren : Hello everyone, please reference: or for additional information on Safe@SU and other resources. 09:17:29 From Casey Phillips : Thank you Dr. Warren 09:17:34 From Casey Phillips : Will do Manny 09:17:49 From Casey Phillips : Emily, I will circle back on your point. 09:19:26 From Casey Phillips : Dr. Rutledge, Shalonda, and Adonica, wanted to float back up the question from Judith Rhodes. Is there any discussion about changing instructional minutes requirements for this school year? High stakes testing? 09:19:58 From Traci Vincent : Angela Dortch, Account ManagerFacility Solutions Group (FSG) angela.dortch@fsgi.com404-938-4722 09:21:34 From Kelli Rogers : Thanks for great information today! 09:23:08 From Tristi Charpentier : 09:24:30 From Manny Patole - CCBR : I second what Casey said. 09:25:17 From Adonica Duggan : Grateful for the role HAWF plays in being a philanthropic leader in our community 09:25:48 From Trey Godfrey : Amen to that! 09:27:47 From Casey Phillips : Distributors of food and meals: Three O’Clock, Empower 225, Boo Milton/Sparkbox, Topbox, BREC, GGH Coalition, Baton Roots 09:33:15 From Korey Patty : Agreed, Casey. I think the resources are out there. 09:35:01 From rinaldi : All SU Ag Center , BRCC, Bayou Kitchen would like to work to bring a food incubator to North Baton Rouge. 09:36:40 From Girard Melancon : Casey, I am looking for one pagers for ExxonMobil, Automotive Tech Diesel Truck and PTEC Internship/ Apprenticeship programs. In the meantime, please use this link: 09:42:13 From Manny Patole - CCBR : Container repurposing: 09:43:17 From Tyrslai Williams : @Manny I saw those. This is a great idea! 09:43:27 From Manny Patole - CCBR : Yup! 09:43:35 From Kathleen Sarsfield : Thanks Casey! 09:43:35 From Katherina McGraw : Thank you awesome meeting 09:43:41 From Manny Patole - CCBR : Great to talk with everyone 09:43:52 From Emanuel Milton : Emanuel Boo Milton 09:43:53 From Manny Patole - CCBR : Love to hear more about @ Rinaldi and food incubator 09:44:07 From Shavon Knighten - Unum : Thank you! this was great! 09:49:15 From Manny Patole - CCBR : Mordecai Phone training stations like the Obama phone program? 09:50:07 From Manny Patole - CCBR : Be like water! 09:50:17 From Emanuel Milton : 😂 09:52:08 From Manny Patole - CCBR : Why spend extra money to audit a program that is doing your job????

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