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Low wages and high poverty rates for single mothers

Equal Pay

Equal Pay is not just fairness, it’s about creating opportunity for better lives and truly valuing the contributions of a person by their skill and loyalty. Although we’re almost two decades in the new millennium, we’re still combating a 20th-century problem: paying women and minorities equally for the same work done by their white male counterparts. Louisiana has no Equal Pay Act, no law on the books to require that men and women be paid equally for equal work. And they are not. For every dollar a man makes, a white woman makes $0.69, while an African American woman makes $0.48 and a Latina makes $0.52. (Poverty Driver #9) Equal pay discrepancies adversely impact Louisiana women, their families, and the economy as a whole. As more households become dual-income, or with females as heads of households, how can we allow for this to happen?


For every $1 a man makes




of women in Louisiana live in poverty


of births in EBR are to single mothers



With your support, you are helping our organization in more ways than one. Not only are you helping raise awareness about this Driver of Poverty, but you are also contributing toward our programs focused on helping lift communities out of poverty. 


As a partner, you can help us by utilizing your network to raise awareness and provide institutional knowledge around this Driver. We invite you to join the coalition to change the narrative on the driver by attending our Living Room Session or the mural unveiling event. At these events we will have opportunities for you to share your truth on this Driver. 

Mural Supporters

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