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Community Acceleration through Collaboration: OneRouge Leadership Council Announced

In order to begin a pathway to effective change, a strong, diverse, and vested Leadership Council is crucial as a foundation. In 2021, the team of MetroMorphosis and The Walls Project worked together to build a nomination process and evaluation rubric to create a balanced approach of who was selected to serve on this council.

Meet our Leadership Council

Myra Richardson, Baton Rouge Metropolitan Black Chamber of Commerce, Interim Executive Director

Gwen Hamilton, New Schools for Baton Rouge, Community Affairs

Karen Stagg, Connections for Life

Jan Ross, Huey and Angelina Wilson Foundation

Donald Andrews, Dean College of Business Southern University

Alfredo Cruz, Founder and Chief Fixer at Let's Fix It!

Korey Patty, Feeding Louisiana, Executive Director

Dustin LaFont, Front Yard Bikes, Executive Director

Adonica Duggan, Baton Rouge Alliance for Students, CEO

Katie Pritchett, Capital Area United Way, Sr. Vice President Impact and Operations

Courtney Scott, Assistant Chief Administrative Officer at City/Parish of Baton Rouge

The first meetings of the Leadership Council began at the end of 2021, helping solidify the project's aspirational statement and tactical focus for all 9 coalitions centered around the 9 Drivers of Poverty.

With each launched coalition, beginning with Food Insecurity, Transportation, and Education, a Leadership Councilmember will serve as a chair, tethering the coalitions to the overall goals of the project. This will create an effective flow of ideas and create guardrails to ensure progress continues.

To see more on the OneRouge Coalitions launch, you can watch a clip from our Friday OneRouge Community Call.

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