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Writer's pictureZoë Haddad

#OneRouge Friday Community Check-In (Weeks 49, 50)

Updated: Apr 6, 2021

Since the outbreak of COVID-19 in EBR, The Walls Project has been hosting weekly video calls with leaders of nonprofits, foundations, city government, and local businesses from a

cross the parish. The intention of these weekly community check-ins is to share information and resources to help the Baton Rouge community respond and recover from the pandemic. Weekly topics range from access to basic needs such as food, medical care, and safety to thought-leaders' insights on equitable opportunities for youth enrichment, nonprofit financial solvency, surge in unemployment, and the disproportionate impact on impoverished neighborhoods in regards to accessing fresh food.


'Data Driven Solutions for Food Access'

Meeting Notes Prepared by Zoe Haddad (Walls Project)

Casey Phillips (The Walls Project)

  • Quick update for March as a proxy for Katie Pritchett with the Capital Area United Way.

  • As of March, EBRFIC hovering at 80 organizations, about to start a second wave of outreach to get into triple digits as we get into summer/fall

  • The coalition meets twice a month:

    • Meeting #1 is on the frist Thursday of month and is a macro meeting with everybody all together: featured speaker, breakout rooms, speed networking

    • Meeting #2 is on the third Thursday, with quick introductions then immediate breakout into work groups (A - Funders, B - Practitioners, C - Data, Evaluation, and Policy) each with their own short, medium, and long term goals

  • Jan Ross (HAWF) and George Bell (United Way) have really been driving forward the Funders Circle and driving Work Group A forward

  • Put together a checklist that is masterful - if you’re a non profit/NGO, all the things you need to have in place to apply for a grant and be involved in a collaborative grant (Tier 1 and Tier 2 items)...incredible document that Mary Bergeron and the members of the Funders Circle put together

  • Work Group B - everything from urban farmers to people working in food literacy and education, food banks, distribution, etc. Came up with ten different grant themes to submit together - Group A will do national outreach to some of the larger foundations from outside the city and state to bring those resources into Baton Rouge. Some of those opportunities go hand in hand with Healthy BR and Geaux Get Healthy, some more non profit collaboration together

  • Work Group C - came together in March to get clarity...Lyneisha with Urban Footprint platform, Manny will also be speaking on that

  • If you would like to join, see resources in chat. Open door for anyone

Lyneisha Jackson (Community Planner, CPEX)

  • Our mission is to improve quality of life in LA communities

  • Sustainability and community resilience

  • Long standing relationship with Urban Footprint

  • Wanted to do our part to develop a COVID-19 recovery platform

  • Both at state agency level and local food banks to help with resource allocation

  • Use data to drive outcomes

  • First version of this platform showed risk level of persons to food insecurity based on a composite list of risk factors within the state at varying geographic levels

  • Showed where risk was highest down to the block group level

  • Able to incorporate additional data, allowing us to conduct further analysis which revealed the numbers and locations around food insecurity and insufficiency

  • Food insecurity is the lack of financial resources for food at the household level and food insufficiency is of those food insecure households that don’t have enough to eat in a week even with relief resources

  • Results from this additional analysis show that too many LA residents live on the edge of hunger

  • Some of the data points:

    • Since the beginning of the pandemic, the number of food insecure households increased 44% statewide and 69% of those households are food insufficient

    • 1/5 urban households are food insecure and 1/7 are food insufficient (include EBR, Jefferson, Orleans Parish each with 32,000 food insecure households)

    • Rural parishes are much more dire, 1/3 households are food insecure and 1/5 are food insufficient

    • Communities of color and low income neighborhoods are disproportionately affected

    • 28% of Black households in LA reported not having enough food in last week compared to 10% of white households

    • In households earning less than $50,000 a year, 30% reported being food insecure, compared to 12% of households earning between $50-$100,000

    • Households earning over $100,000 a year, 11% were food insecure

    • 16% of households are food insecure and 10% are food insufficient nationally

    • 21% of households are food insecure and 15% are food insufficient in LA

    • 17,000 households in Baton Rouge are food insecure, an increase of 35% over the past year and 11,000 are food insufficient

    • Most of these households are located in North Baton Rouge, long identified as a food desert

    • Before the pandemic, 20-30% of households in North Baton Rouge were food insecure compared to 8-10% in South Baton Rouge

  • Action items you can take:

    • Understand that food insecure is the result of long term disinvestment

    • Working to equalize community investments can have significant impact in improving community health and wellbeing

    • Understand and use data to address needs

    • Collect data in a meaningful way to quantify our efforts

    • If organizations don’t share data, there can be a resource gap or duplication of efforts

    • Urban Footprint blog post that highlights some of these data points

Manny Patole (Co-City Project Manager, NYU Marron Institute of Urban Management)

  • Group B as the practitioners...we were kind of naive as to understanding what that would entail

  • Shortly after the first few meetings we realized that Group B is the largest and most nebulous

  • Led to the question of collecting data...but to do what exactly? As Lyneisha highlighted, you can collect a lot of data but can have a lot of redundancy

  • Also the idea of competition between different organizations working in the same space (idea of thinking in scarcity instead of abundance)

  • Differences of qualitative and quantitative data

  • Over the last couple weeks there’s been a slight reorganization of Group B: the Working Group B Grant Team and the Group B subcommittee structures

  • People working within different areas in certain parts of EBR or across the city but in specific part of the supply chain

  • Try to connect those folks

  • Helps with data collection and production

  • Use this data to help obtain grants for our projects

  • Also trying to figure out where the gaps are within the overall landscape in EBR as it comes to food maldistribution

  • We are at the point where we know who’s doing what and who we need at the table

  • I want to celebrate our progress with STIR Labs in developing a systemic view of the food supply chain to better identify gaps...A glorified way of doing a gap analysis to understand where we need to go and how can we help with our ultimate goal of policy interventions that will lead to long term structural changes

  • Research question is to understand the most appropriate ways to increase food security and sufficiency in are we getting more food to people now, how are we getting people registered for services?

  • EBR is not perfect but we’re starting to become a guide post for a lot of other places

  • Been selected to be part of the Association for the study of Food In Society, presenting a round table discussion of how we’ve come to where we are now (landed on the name Cultivating a Food Insecurity Coalition in COVID-19: A Case Study in Baton Rouge)

  • Having a conversation the week of June 8

  • Very large international audience

Traci Birch (Interim Managing Director, LSU Coastal Sustainability Studio)

  • Professor in the School of Architecture (not an architect, actually an urban planner)

  • Also involved with the Coastal Sustainability Studio, a multidisciplinary research institute at LSU bringing together designers, natural scientists, and engineers to work on issues related to community sustainability within South Louisiana and across the Gulf Coast

  • Recognize that working outside of the university system (and even inside), working with LSU is not always easy to manage or figure out

  • We are conveners - we have an outward face and can bring university resources together to face pressing issues in the community

  • We can do it on a 12 month schedule instead of the typical academic schedule, which doesn’t usually work for most endeavors

  • In the last 4 years we’ve worked in and around the region on issues related to community resilience and well being

  • Most recently partnered with The Walls Project on an NEA Grant for the expansion of the Baton Roots farm at Howell Park

  • We can add research and bring people together

  • Currently have one civil engineering course and three design studios working on Landscape Architecture and Advanced Comprehensive Architecture Studios

  • I also teach a class on community design, teach designer how to do outreach with the community and get feedback on designs before going out in the world

  • Currently working with them on the broader issues of food insecurity

  • Many in this call participated in the design charrette we did where we really dove into the issue and had students work with professionals in both the food insecurity realm and designers that came together

  • Diving into the issue more broadly

  • Understanding the role designers play in the urban fabric

  • Across the board looking to be done by the end of April

  • Give that info back to the FIC, Mayor’s office, anyone who needs it and can use it

  • We have done this work with regards for storm water management, other problems, too

  • Our goal is to bring these groups together and provide capacity and man power that the university can bring and make it easier to work with LSU

Kelli Rogers (Geaux Get Healthy)

  • Jan and I have talked a little bit about some of the food landscape work we did early on

  • Our research was just in the 70805 in the first year

  • Looked at where food was available through nutrition and emergency sites and where food was available for purchase

  • Looked where the gaps were there

  • Fill in with making changes to the food system

  • Casey came on board with Baton Roots and The Walls Project in the very beginning and the writing of the grant, then TopBox Foods with their service joined

  • Year 2 of Geaux Get Healthy expanded and interviewed about 2,000 community members surveying them for food insecurity, general health using CDC survey, fruit and vegetable consumption, SNAP eligibility, etc.

  • Found that the demographics and needs in the six adjacent zip codes were similar to the work we were doing in 70805 so we expanded to those zip codes

  • Year 3 did an RFP to bring in emerging and grassroots organizations also doing food insecurity work

  • In the final process of onboarding some of those partners

  • GGH works in four primary areas: food production, distribution, education, and a clinical program used to measure participant change through OLOL LSU Health North Clinic

Lauren Hebert (HealthyBR, City of Baton Rouge)

  • Mayor Broome is big on being adequately equal across all parts of the city with food consumption and healthy food options

  • When it comes to Group A (funders), one of the greatest things that we see, experience, and are loving is the collaboration

  • There has been sprinklings of that throughout the community over the years but with COVID you see it in so many directions and it’s so good to see people realizing they need each other to provide solutions

  • Kudos to everyone for working so hard and diligently together

  • We can’t do it alone if we want to go further and deeper

  • The funders group comes with a bit of funding and have been able to put together some resources including the listing of documents and sample questions often requested by grant applications

  • Looking at opportunities of building capacity of some of the organizations

  • There are individuals coming into the space as well as grassroots and well seasoned organizations

  • We really have to look at the levels partners are coming in and work to build their capacity

  • Using the data collected from the other two work groups to see how we can construct opportunities to bring collective funding towards some of the opportunities we have with providers

  • When it comes to looking for funding we’re looking for funds that will benefit the greater group

Chelsea Morgan (American Heart Association)

  • Wanted to share community curriculum that we utilize in Geaux Get Healthy work - Healthy For Life

  • American Heart Association partnered with Aramark in 2015 to create this evidence based nutrition program and curriculum

  • Lots of great data around the success across the country

  • No longer have to have a food background to be a dietician or chef - could be in your church, with participants in your programs, etc

  • AHA is here to help! We have Chef Traci who can come do demonstrations in your facility if needed.

  • If you want to become a program facilitator reach out to me

  • New resource called AMAVA - a way for you to directly connect with our Healthy For Life registered dietician and leader

  • Upcoming webinar where you can connect live - Integrating Healthy for Life in SNAP Education April 28

Emily Chatelain (Three O' Clock Project)

  • In the middle of our afterschool meals program right now, delivering healthy meals to kids coming to programs after school

  • Heavy into summer planning

  • Working with Department of Education to identify areas this summer that do not have meal distribution plans

  • USDA wavers extended to September 30 - schools/nonprofits can continue to do meal distribution this entire summer (not the case in past summers)

  • Hoping to continue that effort, partner with school districts, rural areas where there is not as much access and transportation to food

  • So thankful to be a part of this bigger group - made so many connections with places like BREC, YMCA, Walls, TopBox

  • Working on a project right now to feed the whole family, not just kids 18 and younger

Connor Deloach (TopBox Foods)

  • TopBox is a free home delivery service of affordable groceries

  • Accept SNAP and all other forms of payment

  • Goal is to have all families get the healthy food they need with a tight budget

  • Making a significant effort to make sure we’re incorporating as much local food as possible into our boxes

  • We are actively looking for local farmers and distributors!

Manny Patole

  • Great to work with this coalition - one of the things we’re always asking about data, it’s hard to understand what is and isn’t useful

  • Trying to understand who’s not being served where and when

  • The long term goal is the policy change to make structural improvements within society

Shivonne Marshall (Baton Roots Community Farm)

  • Volunteer and Outreach Coordinator at Baton Roots, currently have a lot of different projects going on

  • As we continue to expand with the farm we’re doing weekly volunteer events to get the farm ready for spring

  • Volunteer to help!

  • Building out six EBRHA sites with garden beds where we will start doing monthly educational workshops for the residents

  • Hustle and Grow has three satellite sites where we teach high school students about urban agriculture and sustainable practices at Glen Oaks, Scotlandville and Capitol High

  • All produce donated, sell to TopBox and a few restaurants

Luke St. John McKnight (MetroMorphosis)

  • Innovations Catalyst with MetroMorphosis

  • Very recently the city parish and Mayor Broome have decided to relaunch My Brother’s Keeper, an initiative under the Obama Foundation which gives best practices to close opportunities especially for young men of color

  • Press conference April 8 to announce publicly

  • Steering committee will lead several working groups around solving systemic and structural challenges around workforce and education

Dean Donald Andrews (College of Business, Southern University)

  • March employment report showed that the US Economy created 900,000 jobs, the economy is getting ready to take off

  • Business and Entrepreneurship Program starting June 8

  • Eight week course

  • Hoping to help business persons understand how to advance in a digital economy

  • IBM Skills Academy, a plethora of professors from the law schools, all the things you need more or less to understand how to do business in a digital format

Derrick Warren (Executive Director, SUS Alumni Federation and Alumni Affairs)

  • Really excited about the BEAP Program and helping BR upscale and rescale

  • Encourage everyone to consider registering or sharing it with respective focus groups and organizations

Casey Phillips

  • In Work Group B there is a focused subcommittee around college kids who are hungry

  • With college food pantry programs ramping back up there's a lot of work to do together

  • People keep pointing the finger at universities, but the community needs to support the kids living on very minimal amount of money in need of access to fresh food

David Summers (Partners Southeast/EBRPHA)

  • We’ve got two projects we’re getting ready to close soon one on April 9, it’s a 99 unit senior deal

  • Help transition some of our seniors from another one of the EBRHA communities over

  • Supportive service programs to help them have access to additional healthy food options

  • Excited about the partnerships between the Housing Authority and partners are helping to create more affordable housing in areas that will sit right in great ecosystems that will improve the lives of all our residents

Alfredo Cruz (Let's Fix It)

Reginald Brown (Gardere Initiative)

  • Gardere Initiative 15 Year Anniversary events starting with our June summer program, then August back to school, trick or treating in October, thanksgiving in November, December love fest, christmas break activities...great activities for the kids! January MLK Day, April or March EBR Spring Break activities then back to June

Zoom Chat

Casey Phillips to Everyone (8:41 AM): If you would like to join EBRFIC:

EBRFIC case for support:

Casey Phillips to Everyone (8:41 AM): OUR AWESOME SPEAKERS TODAY:

Lyneisha Jackson (Community Planner, CPEX)

Manny Patole (Co-City Project Manager, NYU Marron Institute of Urban Management)

Traci Birch (Interim Managing Director, LSU Coastal Sustainability Studio )

Casey Phillips to Everyone (8:43 AM): Lyneisha is presenting an overview on the findings of Urban Footprint in the Capital Region. See this visualized here:

Christopher Spalatin to Everyone (8:45 AM): So is the difference between insecurity and insufficiency being met by feeding initiatives and gov programs? I assumed being food insufficient was “better” than being food insecure, but it appears I had it backwards

Lyneisha Jackson to Everyone (8:51 AM): Food insufficiency is the gap that is left with feeding initiatives. Relief programs don't meet all the needs of food insecure households and these households are left food insufficient

Christopher Spalatin to Everyone (8:51 AM): Gotcha, thanks

Reginald Brown to Everyone (9:01 AM): Kelli, Is there a published comprehensive list of non profit food providers, for those unable to pay for food?

Kelli Rogers to Everyone (9:01 AM): I left our *very* important education partner, American Heart Association, who we could not do this GGH work without!!

Casey Phillips to Everyone (9:02 AM): Reginald, here is the list from the EBRFIC:

Food Bank of Greater Baton Rouge

Church Food Pantries

School Food Pantries

BREC Park Locations

Capital Area United Way

East Baton Rouge Parish

Three Oclock Project

Top Box Foods

Vineyard Church Baton Rouge

Red Stick Farmers Market

LSU Dining (transportation only)

Grocery Stores

Council on Aging

Meals on Wheels

One Breath

St. Vincent de Paul

VIPS (Volunteers in Public Schools)

It Takes a Village

Famine is the Enemy

The Resistance

LSU Food Pantry

Bethel AME Church

Jewel J. Newman Community Center

Bridge Agency


Scotlandville CDC

New Schools of Baton Rouge


* Agencies of the Food Bank (60 Salvation Army, St. Vincents, Southeast Ministries)

EBR Public Schools

Salvation Army Mobile Food Truck

Open Healthcare Clinic

Interfaith Federation / Holy Grail (Zion City)

Beth Shalom

Mt. Pilgrim, Emmaculate Conception, Mt. Carmel

Living Faith


Chelsea Morgan to Everyone (9:03 AM): Thanks, Kelli! I plan to mention the evidence-based community nutrition curriculum that we use called Healthy for Life. If you would like to learn more:

Casey Phillips to Everyone (9:03 AM): If anyone has any questions for our panel, please put into the chat

Pat LeDuff to Everyone (9:05 AM): Yes m, it is very easy to work with LSU. Thank you to the connectors

Kelli Rogers to Everyone (9:05 AM):

Kelli Rogers to Everyone (9:05 AM):

Mary Bergeron to Everyone (9:06 AM): If resources and expertise from the LSU Coastal Sustainability Studio sound useful to your mission, you can contact me to discuss further. Mary Bergeron 225.802.9932

Kelli Rogers to Everyone (9:06 AM): Thanks, Casey! I was looking for that list. Also dropped links to two online resources.

Connor Deloach to Everyone (9:15 AM):

Lyneisha Jackson to Everyone (9:15 AM):

Traci Birch to Everyone (9:16 AM):

Chelsea Morgan to Everyone (9:17 AM): If interested in learning more about Healthy for Life: You can become a facilitator and educator in this evidence-based community nutrition program that aims to change food and health attitudes and behaviors, equipping individuals with new skills for healthy living. This is a tool in the SNAP-Ed Toolkit. If you want to learn more about how to connect this with your SNAP Education, join the Amava webinar with Heather on April 28th. Register here:

Chelsea Morgan to Everyone (9:17 AM): And/or, please reach out to me via email at

Kelli Rogers to Everyone (9:17 AM):

Lauren Hebert to Everyone (9:18 AM):

Reginald Brown to Everyone (9:18 AM): I think the links are broken on … It does not show the list or map or gardens - I thought it was my computer when I looked a few months ago, but I have had it up for awhile now and it has not loaded.

Christopher Spalatin to Everyone (9:18 AM): What percent of this challenge is lack of money to buy food versus lack of access? Obviously, if you don’t have enough money to buy any food, access is not as critical, but are there a lot of folks who just can’t get the food they want and need?

Manny Patole to Everyone (9:19 AM): FYI - EBRFIC Conference Roundtable Conversation title: Cultivating a Food Insecurity Coalition During Covid-19: Case Study of Baton Rouge for more info the 2021 ASFS Conference:

Manny Patole to Everyone (9:21 AM): In addition, the EBRFIC will be presenting our work to at the City Innovate STIR Labs Summit to US Government Partners on June 8 as well. The project website can be seen here:

Dean Andrews to Everyone (9:23 AM): Southern University College of Business - Business and Entrepreneurship Advancement Program (BEAP) June 8 to July 29, 2021

Reginald Brown to Everyone (9:25 AM): The Gardere Initiative Community Gardening Planting and Harvesting is the first Monday monthly. The next Gardening is April 5 Monday from 4 to 6 pm with Fullness Organic Farms at 1702 Gardere Lane. Email or call (225) 769-0305 for more information.


The Gardere Initiative Spring Break activities for youth are April 5 Monday to April 7 Wednesday from 10 am to 2 pm at 8435 Ned Ave and BREC Hartley-Vey Park. Email or call (225) 769-0305 for more information.


The Gardere Initiative Coalition Meeting is the first Wednesday monthly from 9 to 10 am. The next meeting is April 7 Wednesday 9:00 am by video. Email or call (225) 769-0305 for more information.


Shivonne Marshall to Everyone (9:25 AM): Here is the volunteer sign up link.

Alfredo Cruz to Everyone (9:26 AM): EBRP HOUSING Study survey: Housing 1st Alliance would greatly appreciate your assistance in completing this housing survey and also getting the survey out to residents in your communities. Ideally this should be sent out to residents, colleagues and others in your networks. The survey can be accessed online at

Karla King - concerned citizen to Everyone (9:28 AM): Thank you to all of the speakers this morning on updates for the different groups working diligently for our community. The work does not go unnoticed - kudos!

Perry Sholes to Everyone (9:29 AM): Opportunity for College Student Internship in Baton Rouge in Sales

Pat LeDuff to Everyone (9:30 AM): Happy Resurrection!!

Kelli Rogers to Everyone (9:30 AM): Thanks everyone!!

Alfredo Cruz to Everyone (9:30 AM): Great presentations and updates. thanks everyone. have a great weekend.

Manny Patole to Everyone (9:31 AM): FYI - summer college student internships and k12

Janel Washington to Everyone (9:31 AM): Have an amazing holiday weekend everyone!!

Luke St. John McKnight to Everyone (9:31 AM): Thank you everyone. Have a good day.


'Equal Pay in Louisiana'

Meeting Notes Prepared by Zoe Haddad (Walls Project)

Amanda Brunson (Director of Women's Policy at Office of Louisiana Governor John Bel Edwards)

  • We are a one woman show with the task of keeping a pulse on the issues impacting women in Louisiana and focusing on solutions

  • Equal pay is important to the Governor, been a champion for since he was a state legislator

  • Equal Pay Day was Wednesday of this week, how long it took for women across the country to make the same amount of money that men did in 2020

  • New stats showing we've made some improvement in Louisiana - now women make about $0.72 to the dollar compared to men

  • Last year Black women made $0.49 and Latina women made $0.53 to the dollar

  • Economic stability is a struggle for families in Louisiana and EBR is no different

  • The ALICE Report tells us the impact of poverty on families, especially the working poor

  • Equal pay and minimum wage are a big part of the conversation - 2/3 of our minimum wage workers are women, many running single women-led households

  • Solutions to equal pay exist across a bunch of levels

  • At the individual level women can pursue careers typically held by men

  • Can negotiate for higher salaries, do research and push employers

  • Employers can set pay ranges, do internal audits, set workplace policies that are family friendly

  • Government is uniquely positioned to set policies impacting a wide range of people

  • One of our solutions at the legislative level was filed by Rep Barbara Carpenter last year- “Equal Pay Bill” - good for all workers not just women, bans the use of salary history, prohibit employers from retaliating against someone for discussing wages with coworkers

  • When women start behind, they stay behind

  • Two bills have been pre-filed about raising minimum wage

  • Other bills on workplace policies that impact families - women bare most of the brunt of caregiving

Summer Steib (Director, LSU Women's Center)

  • Echo everything Amanda said, spot on as we start looking at the wage gap, causes, impacts, solutions

  • Want to focus on a few things that impact the wage gap that we don’t often talk about and operate in hidden ways: when you don’t know something exists, you don’t know to look there for causes and solutions

  • Sex segregation - When men seem to saturate a particular field, the pay and prestige of that field increases. When women saturate the field, pay and prestige decreases

  • Traditionally dominated by men: construction, oil field, engineering.

  • Traditionally dominated by women: childcare, hospital support

  • As women begin to flood traditionally male dominated jobs, the pay and prestige decreases

  • Look at vet/med: 50 years ago completely men, very agricultural based. As that has shifted, women outnumber men. Pay for vets has continually decreased over time. Same thing with the law profession.

  • Sex stratification - Men occupy the higher level positions within a company/org/field while women tend to be in the entry level/middle management positions

  • Look at the field of education: from preschool to middle, women dominate

  • High school evens out

  • In Higher Ed you see more and more men

  • Within each one when you look at leadership you’ll see the pyramid shifting

  • I just saw a company who, for Equal Pay Day, was excited that 23% of their board were women...women are 51-52% of the population...we have a hell of a long way to go

  • Glass cliff phenomenon - Women are often barred from top levels of leadership within organizations except when there’s a crisis

  • Woman and POC are brought on when the deck is stacked against them to be the saviors

  • Chances of success are very small because the men before you have failed and dug the crater you’re about to jump into even deeper so you have more to lose

  • When women and other folks get into those leadership positions and aren’t successful, the narrative continues that women are incapable

  • We all know what's been going on at LSU. We are starting a new office of Civil Rights and Title IX - I have tremendous respect for Dr. Jane Cassidy who's being brought in to lead that, but again, she’s being advanced in a time of crisis

  • The unpaid work women do as part of their job - women are overwhelmingly tasked with “office housework”

  • Not things part of your job, not considered in annual evaluations and promotions but things that align with traditional gender roles - planning the office holiday party, making sure that when a client has a death in the family that flowers get sent, those types of things women are expected to do that take them away from duties they are paid to do

  • Thirty minutes, an hour here and there can add up to 2-6 months of pay sometimes with this extra work you’re doing that adds nothing to your job and personal advancement

Monica Vela-Vick (Community Advocate)

  • What Summer says touches me on a very deep level - when she talks about the 2-6 months of pay you lose that you don’t get back, that’s time away from my children for me too, have to fill those lost hours somewhere somehow

  • I do not work in this space currently, I previously worked at the Women’s Law Project, the Women Against Abuse Legal Center, and care deeply about women's issues

  • The National Women’s Law Center is my go to for all stats and information - they advocate, litigate, and participate

  • Nationally Black women working full time year round make $0.63, in Louisiana its $0.49 cents for every dollar a man earns. Nationally Latina women make $0.55 and in Louisiana $0.53 cents.

  • Piggy backing on the complex issue of job segregation during COVID:

  • Women and women of color in particular are more likely to work in these field such as childcare, home health aids, grocery cashiers, restaurant workers, etc.

  • In the COVID context we learned that that work was downright dangerous

  • I want to emphasize the impact on single mothers who lead 23% of households with children under 18 and comprise 50% of working mothers with children under 18 (PEW)

  • We should really care about single mothers and the wages they're making…the ability to earn a fair wage impacts the ability to care for children, get health care, and so forth

  • We have minimum wage of $7.25 and $2.13 for tip wage...this is not a living wage.

  • MIT runs a site incorporating different factors to calculate living wage across different parishes

  • There are a couple of laws that have been set forth on a federal level

  • Implications and policy reasons why those are important

  • Some are not intuitive, the impact isn’t clear


  • Women’s Policy and Research Commission is one that I staff and they created the Status of Women in Louisiana Report that came out last year

  • Women’s Commission also launched a webinar series to educate the public. The one on economic stability was last week.

  • Monday will be a session on caring for children and families: early childhood in Louisiana, opportunities for investing in early childhood, paid family and medical leave, workplace accommodations for pregnant women, caring for aging adults, caring for family members with disabilities

  • Also an opportunity to talk about the power of education, things like Go Grants, the Compete Louisiana program, Reboot Your Career, etc.

  • There’s a report from the Institute for Women’s Policy and Research that single mom's in Louisiana are 43% les likely to live in poverty if they have at least an associate’s degree

  • So many young women or women back in college are trying to care for children and we know how difficult it is to juggle caring for children, trying to work, and being in school.


Gwen Hamilton: For Amanda, what are some of the opposition strategies to the killing of the bills you mentioned previously?

Amanda: There’s a real tendency to discount that equal pay is even an issue. The way the stats are presented a lot of times are about median annual earnings for men vs. median annual earnings for women. Yes that does give you one big picture that lumps all kinds of occupations into one number but reality is very different when you start to pick it apart. Part of it is about messaging, part of it is automatic opposition. There’s a gap that exists regardless of education level, occupation, etc.

Gwen: So these are legislators overwhelmingly elected by women, correct?

Amanda: Unfortunately these things don’t even get to the floor, they die in committee and there’s no vote on record to show who’s voting for your interests.

Casey: One stat in particular from the AAUW site really drives that point home. We’re not just talking about people working for a minimum wage, for instance, women working as physicians and surgeons are paid $19 billion less annually than if they were paid the same as men in that occupation.

Gwen: Summer, can you articulate a few strategies that we can engage in to change this culture?

Summer: It’s so hard because so much of the wage gap lives in the shadows, it's not like the 60s and 70s where you can say "We want to hire a woman secretary and she's going to get paid a significant portion less". We’ve rewritten some laws where you can’t explicitly say because you’re a woman I can pay you less. Because we don't have salary ranges and positions aren't all started at the same salary and additional compensation is done for jobs done by men then for women... look at teachers. A lot of my students say they want to be a teacher because they start at the same salary. But what roles do teachers have where they’re provided additional compensation? Usually coaches. Who’s coaching? Men mostly. Women are left out of that additional compensation and you start seeing gaps. A lot of it isn’t overt discrimination. More so societal norms and values and what are the roles/duties/values of those who fall under the umbrella of women/female/feminine? How do we value and devalue those things? About 12% of the wage gap can not be explained by anything. Because it’s not blatant, it’s really hard to address. Pay transparency is incredibly important. When you can see what everyone is making then you can demand your worth. Companies can have salary studies. If you sit on boards - ask to see a salary study, question and figure out how to close those gaps. A lot of those conversations are about funding...primary value should be the people doing the work of its mission.

Monica: The law matters and to the extent that these issues can be addressed in legislation, I think it’s important to do so. Payment transparency is written into the proposed federal law. If you bring a claim that your wages aren’t high enough, the courts will compare your wages with someone across town where the modifications proposed would get away from that and look within your institution and compare. There are opportunities to create enforcement mechanisms

Dean Andrews: Are there states or regions in the country that have the smallest pay gap and what are they doing that’s working? How do we empower more women to start up businesses?

Summer: AAUW Simple Truth site has a map for the wage gap for every state and what’s influencing that. Look in the NE and West Coast, those tend to have lower gaps. If you click on the state it will tell you what some of the supporting factors are for a low or high gap.

Amanda: To women owned businesses - COVID has had a massive impact on our childcare centers. These are small businesses usually owned and staffed by women, primarily women of color. This is an industry we will see a lot of data coming out of as to better supporting these businesses.

Edy Addison: A lot of times women are ready to defend themselves but they don’t know the right way to do it in a professional setting. I think Southern culture may impact the way a woman talks to a male supervisor. There is a lot we can do to educate women’s how to help yourself, here’s a script you can use, questions you can ask. An easy first start is providing women with the language needed for salary negotiation

Amanda: AAUW has great resources and tools. I think it's interesting when you look at the research on how women choose what jobs to apply for, there may be a list of qualifications and women tend to not apply if they can’t check all those boxes as opposed to men who will apply no matter how many boxes they check.

Alfredo: Gender bias is at the root of these issues. I'm curious if Governor's office finds that it is mostly male legislators who oppose equal pay? My sense is that there are also legislators who are women upholding misogyny and opposing equal pay. If so, is there a different strategy or approach to work with opponents who are women? Amanda: There are women legislators who oppose equal pay as well

Summer: “It’s yours and forget everybody else”, right? The long answer is constituents don’t support equal pay. Lots of women think they’re doing just fine. Larger conversation about victim blaming. If you're getting paid less it must be because of something you have or haven't done. Ties into so many larger culture conversations. I am a facilitator for AAUW and Start Smart and Work Smart, let's talk about doing some workshops across the state! Work Smart is for women established in their career, Start Smart is workshops we do on high school and college campuses.

Tristi Charpentier: Because we know that women start and stay behind, are there classes for college seniors or people finishing law school to learn how to negotiate for what they’re worth? Thinking back I don’t think there was anything, or I didn’t know about it.

Summer: AAUW has the model, it’s a three step process. Includes role playing and practicing to get confident.

Casey: It’s 2021 and part of this conversation needs to be on Non binary and Transgender citizens...gender identity is a fluid part of the Equal Pay conversation that's already difficult to wrap our heads around. How is that impacting this conversation?

Summer: Louisiana has no protections when it comes to trans and non binary folks. You can be fired at anytime. Unless you have a contract you are in a precarious situation. Particularly for trans and non binary folks who don’t "pass" might look at someone and in your mind you think you know what their identity is but it doesn’t align with what the other person’s gender identity is. We're in a very conservative state. We have lots of trans folks leaving our state for friendlier places, for communities where there are protections in place. A lot of large corporations are seeing the trends and offering recognitions and protections. PEW just came out with a study that said 1 in 6 members of Gen Z identity as LGBTQIA+. We’re going to have to adapt or lose because the best talent will go places where they are seen and valued for who they are. In LA it will likely be a struggle with small - medium sized businesses and our government entities as well.

Monica: One of the articles I sent on the wage gap references intersectional oppression. Trans women make less after they transition, lesbians make less than gay or straight men, gay men make less than straight men.

Casey: Anita White, I wanted to recognize that you've been working in this space for decades and wanted to give you the opportunity if you wanted to share. Anita: One thing we are working with is mediation in divorce to try to get more equality there when the parties are willing to come to decisions and solutions themselves rather than leaving it to the court. That oftentimes helps women and children. I'm also associated with The Women’s Council which tries to promote and assist women in their roles and publicize things women are doing. Thanks for giving me an opportunity to speak, too.

Summer: In the chat, Rinaldi is talking about the fear factor. I think that goes back to what Monica shared...I’m a working single parent who for a time was unemployed and it’s really scary when you need to be employed because there isn’t a partner there to pick up the slack. Exploitative things can happen when you’re desperate for something. That fear and fear of retaliation when you’re asking for equal pay or equity are absolutely a factor. If you look at who's filling the positions for that $2.13 tip wage, it's overwhelmingly women, women of color, folks of color within those positions. We’ve had several calls for action come up...if you're in a position of leadership, ask for salary analysis and if there are disparities around gender, race, LGBTQ, age, disability wage gaps. What policies can be put in place to mitigate that? Do some soul searching and see if you're expecting your women coworkers to do that “office housework”. Monica: The ALICE report aligns with the Living Wage MIT link. A single parent with two children has to work the equivalent of three and half jobs, a 130 hour work week, to earn a living wage. The numbers speak for themselves.

Casey: Just as a reminder, this is a fiscal year at the legislature. That bill Amanda referred to is super important. I don’t remember seeing a cover of the Greater Baton Rouge Business Report that addresses this issue, might be the right time. Also need to put the same thing forward across the state to put pressure from the business industry on these bills to get them on the floor and get people’s votes on record

Reverend Anderson: Hidden paycheck - during the pandemic we asked an awful lot of frontline workers to put their lives at risk. Many male dominated industries get wage incentives for hazard pay. One of the things I’ll be interested to see is a study on how decimated female workers were in the pandemic. Most of them were working without any enhancement for the risk. And now there seems to be a blow back asking for the $15 minimum wage. Casey: Four times as many women as men dropped out of the labor force in September, roughly 865,000 women compared with 216,000 men. This validates predictions that the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on women—and the accompanying child care and school crises—would be severe....I don’t know if people have fully internalized the impact COVID has had. Alfredo Cruz: Just wanted to elevate the issue of evictions. The Arts Council has an exhibit called Evicted that’s powerful, has a lot of data and facts about eviction and what it does to families. I’ve been involved with the city’s emergency rental assistance program and every day I see emails about families getting evicted, applying for rental assistance, it’s about 5-10 families a day I see who need legal support. 8/10 of those families are women. It really troubles me that we’re not thinking about how to help them. This wage gap conversation just elevates to a whole new level of how this impacts housing.

Zoom Chat

08:28:16 From Manny Patole to Everyone : Community Tailgating!!!

08:31:41 From Kim Mosby to Everyone : Good morning everyone. Hope someone is seeing the sun that missing from my neighborhood.

08:32:56 From Reginald Brown to Everyone : If anyone has an immediate job opening for a single mother in 50s, with 16 daughter, please send to

08:34:46 From Pam Wall to Everyone : Just FYI: BREC is hiring a number of summer employees for all of the camps and other activities. They especially need employees in north BR.

08:34:49 From Capitol Park Museum to Everyone : @reginald brown, i will get the link later today. Email me at "Posting for a friend: "Do you know anyone who would want to be a receptionist for an insurance company downtown? My company is looking for someone. I would be training them. And the benefits are awesome. Let me know if you know anyone!"

08:36:42 From Capitol Park Museum to Everyone : Always post the salary range when posting a job. It is a small way to help equity.

08:38:31 From Rev Anderson to Everyone : Absolutely. Good job, Amanda

08:40:16 From AMANDA BRUNSON to Everyone : We don't have the bill number yet but it will be by Rep. Barbara Carpenter and we expect it to look like her bill last year linked below.

08:40:38 From Rev Anderson to Everyone : Segregation in careers is such an important topic.

08:44:53 From Manny Patole to Everyone : @Point of Crisis - See State of NY and Cuomo’s Chief of Staff Melissa DeRosa

08:45:24 From Pat LeDuff to Everyone : Amen!! You are so on it this morning!

08:46:16 From Rev Anderson to Everyone : This is such a powerful conversation!

08:46:26 From Pat LeDuff to Everyone : Yes!!! Coffee. Mail, holiday parties

08:46:27 From Manny Patole to Everyone : Summer really works in Academia… How many jobs that are beneath “other professors"

08:46:31 From Pat LeDuff to Everyone : Pick up lunch

08:47:26 From Manny Patole to Everyone : OR How often asked for their opinion, it is not taken and then someone else says the same thing AND THEN it is accepted…

08:47:28 From Pat LeDuff to Everyone : Trying new employees while doing your own work

08:47:41 From Kendra Hendricks to Everyone : "other duties as assigned"

08:47:42 From Pat LeDuff to Everyone : Awesome Summer!!

08:47:56 From Rodneyna Hart, Capitol Park Museum to Everyone : You are so right, "office housework" that is a concept i will now be cognizent of.

08:48:13 From edy addison-cauw to Everyone : Summer, thank you! Great presentation.

08:48:50 From Summer Steib (she/her) to Everyone : Summer Steib.

08:52:14 From Casey Phillips to Everyone : COVID stat: Four times as many women as men dropped out of the labor force in September, roughly 865,000 women compared with 216,000 men. This validates predictions that the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on women—and the accompanying child care and school crises—would be severe.

08:52:32 From Casey Phillips to Everyone : The pay gap tends to be larger for women of color and in some cases the gap appears to be widening. Compared to white, non-Hispanic men:

Latinas make 55 cents on the dollar.

American Indian or Alaska Native make 57 cents on the dollar.

Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander women make 61 cents on the dollar.

Black women make 63 cents on the dollar.

Asian women make 87 cents on the dollar.

08:52:52 From Casey Phillips to Everyone : Women face an income gap in retirement. Because they have earned less and therefore paid less in the Social Security system, they receive less in Social Security benefits. They also lag behind men in pension benefits, as well as retirement savings.

08:53:27 From Rev Anderson to Everyone : We completely devalue and demonize the role of single mothers. Particularly working single mothers.

08:53:42 From Manny Patole to Everyone : Also, do not forget about Pink Taxes

08:54:16 From Manny Patole to Everyone :

08:54:23 From Tristi Charpentier to Everyone : In addition to the MIT resource Monica mentioned, I'm going to plug the United Way ALICE report again - You can drill down to zip code, as well.

08:54:24 From Pat LeDuff to Everyone : How do we reverse the 2.13 wage

Who ever thought it was ok to make a ‘maybe’ tip as your salary

08:54:54 From WELCH, KELLY S to Everyone : Working single mother stats remind me of last week's discussion on children in poverty. All connected.

08:55:56 From Monica Vela-Vick to Everyone : Wage gap by state with March 2021 overall figures and by race:

08:56:07 From Rev Anderson to Everyone : Yes and the disportionate impact of access to credit and other tools necessary in building financial empowerment.

08:56:50 From Donald Andrews to Everyone : Can you compare different regions of the country which states tend to have the least disparity vs greatest. How do we get more women to start and own businesses so they can set the wage scale?

08:57:08 From Pat LeDuff to Everyone : Provide More on go grant

08:57:25 From Summer Steib (she/her) to Everyone : The AAUW Simple Truth About the Wage Gap info has breakdown by state

08:58:34 From Monica Vela-Vick to Everyone : Wage Gap: Who, How, Why, and What to Do

Paycheck Fairness Act

Raising the Wage Act

Asking Salary History Perpetuates Pay Discrimination

08:59:19 From Monica Vela-Vick to Everyone : Living Wage by Parish:

08:59:57 From Monica Vela-Vick to Everyone : US has world’s highest rate of children living in single-parent households

“Almost a quarter of U.S. children under the age of 18 live with one parent and no other adults (23%), more than three times the share of children around the world who do so (7%).”

09:00:50 From Manny Patole to Everyone : Yes, please share those lobbying groups

09:01:03 From Summer Steib (she/her) to Everyone : Historically, the business lobby have opposed equal pay legislation

09:01:13 From Kim Mosby to Everyone : Considering all the extra work a small business owner has to do, having women start their own business isn't a viable the solution. Maybe a part of it but it misses the larger issue. We shouldn't have to further segregate ourselves to be treated fairly.

09:02:29 From Rinaldi Jacobs Sr to Everyone : Politicians want to blame not paying a living wage on small businesses. $2.00 for tip workers is slavery. $7.25 is not even sharecropping! small businesses want and need quality workers. When we do we all profit.

09:02:47 From Pat LeDuff to Everyone : What about the reversal of such as a male nurse vs a Traditional female nurse

09:04:30 From edy addison-cauw to Everyone : I think empowering women with language to defend themselves is an easy first start. How to respond when someone asks current pay, etc...especially in southern culture where politeness can have bigger weight than qualifications to be a rockstar at your job.

09:04:49 From Pat LeDuff to Everyone : Yes!!

09:05:06 From Rev Anderson to Everyone : Nobody talks about the hidden paycheck (both financial and non financial assets)

09:05:10 From Gwendolyn Hamilton to Everyone : Exactly

09:05:46 From Pat LeDuff to Everyone : It’s forbidden to see or discuss salaries in most large complaints

09:05:53 From Manny Patole to Everyone : The best rationale… You need to be a team player.. always insulting

09:06:03 From Pat LeDuff to Everyone : Companies

09:06:44 From Patrick Tuck (he/him) to Everyone : Is there data on added impact based upon additional gender identifications?

09:06:53 From Walls Project to Everyone : Also gender stereotypes influencing how leadership evaluates workers’ value in the organization. Such as if a mother is late to a meeting, it may be assumed (not said) that she’s late because of her children, yet if a father is late the thought never is that. It’s assumed he must have been late due to another work assignment/meeting.

09:07:26 From Summer Steib (she/her) to Everyone : AAUW has Start Smart and Work Start salary negotiation workshops that address individual tools for wage negotiation.

09:07:39 From Monica Vela-Vick to Everyone : Across the board Vermont is the best - 91 cents for women

09:08:10 From AMANDA BRUNSON to Everyone : Go Grants:

09:09:41 From Pam Wall to Everyone : Was it the Ford Foundation that just announced an investment of millions of dollars to improve "access" for Black Women?

09:09:47 From Pat LeDuff to Everyone : Please Add AAUW link

09:10:16 From Alfredo Cruz to Everyone : Gender bias is at the root of these issues. I'm curious if Governor's office finds that it is mostly male legislators who oppose equal pay? My sense is that there are also legislators who are women upholding misogyny and opposing equal pay. if so, is there a different strategy or approach to work with opponents who are women ?

09:11:02 From SHERRETA HARRISON to Everyone : ^^^^^

09:11:46 From Tristi Charpentier to Everyone : I also think in the South we're conditioned to be grateful for what we receive.

09:12:04 From Monica Vela-Vick to Everyone : @Tristi - Agree!

09:12:06 From edy addison-cauw to Everyone : Yes Tristi exactly

09:12:25 From Christopher Spalatin to Everyone : I agree with Alfredo and it feels like every week I keep coming back to “how do we get our government to work for us.” On so many issues there appears to be a big disconnect, and yet these legislators keep winning elections

09:13:17 From Pat LeDuff to Everyone : Yes that is a fact - we check the box

09:13:40 From Tristi Charpentier to Everyone : Thinking about how women start behind and stay behind through retirement - are their salary negotiation classes offered at our universities? Or even at our high schools?

09:14:18 From edy addison-cauw to Everyone : I see working moms as being some of the hardest workers. And excellent at balancing multiple difficult tasks under pressure. How do we turn those life skills from home into professional qualifications that are respected?

09:14:49 From Rev Anderson to Everyone : Excellent idea!

09:15:47 From Pam Wall to Everyone : We also need classes for male CEOs...……….

09:15:49 From Manny Patole to Everyone : RE:government… you can vote them out… question is the will. People should not be afraid of their governments, governments should be afraid of their people

09:17:59 From Christopher Spalatin to Everyone : @Manny

09:18:01 From Kim Mosby to Everyone : There are also a lot of women who are economically tied to men and cannot/won't vote against the interests of the men to whom they are tied.

09:19:12 From Patrick Tuck (he/him) to Everyone : Second time I've heard that data point this week.

09:19:47 From Manny Patole to Everyone : Policy is only as good as monitoring and enforcement.

09:20:33 From Pam Wall to Everyone : What is the message when there are few to no parking places around the capitol during sessions for interested citizens to use?

09:21:17 From SHERRETA HARRISON to Everyone : for reference: gen z is already in the workplace so older generations have to get on board quickly!!

09:21:42 From Rinaldi Jacobs Sr to Everyone : Is there a fear factor among women being afraid to push for high pay because they need the job? Specifically less skilled single woman of color

09:21:42 From Pat LeDuff to Everyone : Can we discuss the $2.13 waiter wage

09:21:57 From Alfredo Cruz to Everyone : From Funders for LGBTQ Issues.

09:23:22 From Tristi Charpentier to Everyone : FYI - According to the ALICE report - a single person with no dependents in EBR needs to earn $14.45/hour ($28,896/year) to make the ALICE survival budget.

09:23:47 From AMANDA BRUNSON to Everyone : My email is

09:25:20 From AMANDA BRUNSON to Everyone : Pink tax- Rep. Freeman has prefiled a bill again this year.

09:27:06 From Alfredo Cruz to Everyone : Wage gap impacting women negatively is correlated to their housing security. Homeownership is less accessible for them. Their option is to rent. Renters who are evicted are mostly women. And Louisiana has some of worst tenant laws. Yet our main solution to solve for affordable housing is to build more rental.

09:27:49 From Summer Steib (she/her) to Everyone : ^^absolutely! The impacts go beyond just pay.

09:28:34 From Summer Steib (she/her) to Everyone : There is large body of research coming out about the impacts of the pandemic on women

09:29:15 From Pam Wall to Everyone : I advocate for tiny homes for first time home ownership, just to get in the market. But these are only good for couples or single moms with no more than 2 children.

09:29:37 From Kim Mosby to Everyone : Thanks all for a great convo!

09:29:58 From Manny Patole to Everyone : For unconcious and implicit bias along with microaggresisions -

09:30:00 From AMANDA BRUNSON to Everyone : Link to recording of Women's Commission webinar and registration for the one Monday. And scroll to the bottom to join the Office on Women's Policy email list.

09:31:20 From SHERRETA HARRISON to Everyone : Yes!!! same! I loved waiting tables but could not make a living like that

09:31:35 From Summer Steib (she/her) to Everyone : Women who are in the service industry face some of the highest rate of on job sexual harassment

09:31:37 From Rev Anderson to Everyone : That's why it's so ironic when restaurants complain about increasing the minimum wage. Also persons of color often don't get front of house opportunities.

09:32:01 From Manny Patole to Everyone : Being a server is hard work… I worked back of house and it sucked to see how bad servers were treated… Moral of the story, it is advised to tip well because servers are friendly with those making your food.

09:32:22 From Kim Mosby to Everyone : Yes indeed!

09:32:28 From AMANDA BRUNSON to Everyone : Thanks for a great conversation this morning, everyone! Summer and Casey, let's get that salary negotiation workshop on the calendar.

09:32:40 From Pam Wall to Everyone : We hardly ever point to Arkansas as an inspiring model but my teenage granddaughters are making $11 an hour and working 16 hours on weekends to save for college--bakery and restaurant hostess.

09:32:56 From Christopher Spalatin to Everyone : Awesome topic this week. Thank you presenters and everyone for your insights. We have some work to do!

09:34:14 From Juliette Frazier to Everyone : Healthcare including mental health care for service industry is also a huge issue as well.

09:34:37 From Kim Mosby to Everyone : National conversations of raising the minimum wage to $15/hr don't include raising the tipping industry minimum wage.

09:35:20 From Rev Anderson to Everyone : Don't forget we pay inmates in our prisons between 2 cents and 20 cents an hour. Most women incarcerated are parents.

09:35:42 From Summer Steib (she/her) to Everyone : I am going to hop off, but if anyone wants to connect, please reach out to me at Thanks for the great conversation.

09:36:35 From Pam Wall to Everyone : Women in Housing Authority properties are limited in work and job training by a lack of access to transportation and child care that works for them.

09:37:31 From Pat LeDuff to Everyone : Gotta hop off

Great call!!

Have a great weekend !!

Keep bringing awareness!

09:37:57 From edy addison-cauw to Everyone : Awesome session today- y’all got me fired up. Have a great weekend everyone.

09:38:07 From Rodneyna Hart, Capitol Park Museum to Everyone : Also, interpersonal conversations between women. Ask "How's business?". There are opporutnites that can be made and connections.

09:39:11 From Zoe Robison to Everyone : Also very difficult for creatives trying to earn income from their art

09:39:12 From Rodneyna Hart, Capitol Park Museum to Everyone : Many board seats are filled on the golf course.

09:39:42 From Manny Patole to Everyone : Still Need to Preach Beyond the Choir

09:39:58 From Rev Anderson to Everyone : Absolutely, Manny

09:40:20 From Kelli Rogers to Everyone : Thanks everyone! Have a great weekend.

09:40:42 From Pam Wall to Everyone : As a grantwriter, I understand that way too many people don't know the data that could get them "fired up" to solve some of these problems.

09:40:50 From Manny Patole to Everyone : (It is Gwen’s Quote that I will use FOREVER)

09:42:51 From Rev Anderson to Everyone : Amazing conversation! Have a super weekend. Please join the East Baton Rouge Parish Prison Reform Coalition for our Caravan for Justice on Saturday, March 27th @ 10:00 a.m. Please go to our Facebook page EBRPPRC for details.

09:43:54 From Juliette Frazier to Everyone : Thank you Manny!

09:44:32 From Jan Ross - HAWF to Everyone : Great topic. Thanks for everyone sharing their thoughts and passion. You are all inspiring!

09:45:47 From Rodneyna Hart, Capitol Park Museum to Everyone : State worker salaries are found online. Look it up when you apply for a state job.

09:47:31 From Manny Patole to Everyone :

09:47:41 From Walls Project to Casey Phillips(Direct Message) : BRB

09:47:47 From Rodneyna Hart, Capitol Park Museum to Everyone : Something that has nothing to do with this conversation but it a great thing i just learned: FEMA provides financial assistance to individuals and households with disaster-related funeral expenses. FEMA will provide financial assistance for funeral costs specifically related to Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) for funeral expenses at 100 percent federal cost-share.]-R&c[0]=AT116Zr8E-tvdOk9DdUUnQiNi6Foaef27HbdI5BkZLydNoraX_sq2NejJpKu6vSD0rx7tkmc

09:49:28 From Tristi Charpentier to Everyone : Yes! Coalitions provide cover!

09:49:44 From Manny Patole to Everyone : Walls?

09:49:46 From Reginald Brown to Everyone :

09:50:21 From Alfredo Cruz to Everyone : Women owned businesses perhaps.

09:50:22 From Alexis Phillips (she/her) to Everyone : Yessssssss

09:50:34 From Rodneyna Hart, Capitol Park Museum to Everyone : Absolutly

09:50:53 From Sarah Walsh, IBM/Tara High Magnet to Everyone : Anyone have resources on starting a business for women?

09:50:55 From Reginald Brown to Everyone : Thanks - I have to leave

09:51:11 From Rodneyna Hart, Capitol Park Museum to Everyone : Wouldnt it be great if we asked Baton Rouge Business report whats the best place for women to work.

09:51:32 From Manny Patole to Everyone : We love all the folks at Walls :-) you are all amazing people

09:52:02 From Sarah Walsh, IBM/Tara High Magnet to Everyone : Also the culture on not talking about your salary is a way to keep wage gaps on the down low. We need to break that cultural norm!

09:52:30 From Tristi Charpentier to Everyone : The Association of Fundraising Professionals will no longer post job opportunities on their job board unless it includes the salary range.

09:53:43 From Rodneyna Hart, Capitol Park Museum to Everyone : Got to go! Love you all!!! Keep up the amazing work

09:54:29 From Patrick Tuck (he/him) to Everyone : Have a great week! Many thanks as always! Every community needs a Casey!

09:54:52 From Alfredo Cruz to Everyone : Have a great weekend! Let's reduce the wage gap!

09:54:56 From Manny Patole to Everyone : We got you! Always willing to share resources from NYC

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