The Brotherhood Sisterhood banquet takes place annually and honors local community members who are recognized for actively serving the community, leading and inspiring others, breaking personal barriers, and leading exemplary lives, all toward the goal of equality and togetherness.
Since 1963, The Brotherhood Sisterhood Awards have annually recognized two outstanding individuals in the greater Baton Rouge community who have devoted their professional, philanthropic, and volunteer capacities to humanitarian service, thereby advancing the mission of fostering unity across racial, socioeconomic, ethnic, and religious lines. The honorees of the Brotherhood Sisterhood Award have worked tirelessly to break down the barriers that divide the community and impede its citizens from coexisting and collaborating harmoniously.
On April 16th, Walls Project Executive Director, Casey Phillips received the great honor of receiving one of the two Brotherhood Sisterhood Awards. Since starting The Walls Project in 2012 Phillips has dedicated the past decade to growing the impact of the organization along with dedicated volunteers and team members. To date The Walls has created over $4M in economic opportunity for grassroots creatives, reactivated miles of urban blight, trained over 3500 youth and adults in tech, and distributed tens of thousands of pounds of fresh produce. Before co-founding The Walls, Phillips launched The Force Agency in Los Angeles in 2006 specializing in branding and concert booking and promotion across California, Colorado, and New Orleans and Gulf South. Currently a founding member of the OneRouge Coalitions with MetroMorphosis, and former steering committee member for the Kellogg Foundation Truth, Racial Healing & Transformation, My Brothers Keeper BR, and facilitator for Dialogue on Race Louisiana.