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Baton Roots farmers attend the Louisiana Farmers Climate Convening

Updated: Mar 6

Louisiana Farmers Climate Convening photo courtesy of The Advocate

In late January, farmers from across the state gathered at Chicot Lake State Park to discuss the impacts of climate change on agriculture in Louisiana. The Louisiana Farmers Climate Convening was hosted by the Louisiana Small-Scale Agriculture Coalition, a group of producer-focused food system organizations from around the state. Their purpose is to organize a network where growers can support each other through climate crises, an urgent task in a year in which Louisiana experienced record-breaking drought and heat, wildfires, saltwater intrusion, and flooding. 

The convening brought together agriculture professionals from around the state to discuss impacts of the extreme weather patterns on farming. There was a range of speakers and breakouts for participants to learn how people are adapting to these changes and to share what their needs are on their particular farm. 

"Leaving this event I felt more energized and connected to the Louisiana small farming community. I believe this event will strengthen our network to support existing farmers and bring in new ones,"

stated Baton Roots Senior Program Coordinator Mitchell Provensal, who assisted in facilitating the LGBTQIA and Urban Ag breakout groups at the convening.

According to Serve Louisiana Corps Member Sarah Cross,

“The Louisiana farmers climate convention was a great experience as a beginner farmer. I was able to learn about a variety of topics such as community organizing and traditional ecological knowledge and regenerative agriculture (Intertribal Agriculture Council). The climate convening was a great opportunity to meet with other farmers in Louisiana and share information.”

Sarah has spent the past seven months working with Baton Roots Community Farm, building on a previous year of service with the LSU Food Pantry. 

Learn more about the Louisiana Small Scale Agriculture Coalition here

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